Tuesday, July 7, 2015

What is in my purse?

I always see bloggers post about what is in their bags and purses so I thought... Why not create one of my own?
When I was younger, I would NEVER wear a purse and I hated to carry one. Ironically, now as I am in my adult years, I would not be caught dead without my purse or bad!

My favorite tote to carry is my Monogramed Longchamp Inspired Weekender  from Etsy. I love carrying this tote because it always holds everything that I need to carry on daily basis and it is very durable. Doesn't the monogram just make the bag even cuter? 

The shop on Etsy that I bought this tote from also has many different colors to choose from for the color of the bag and thread of the monogram. 

When I go out for the day I always carry:
Pencil Case
TabletPost It Notes
Wallet (At ALL Times)
Car Keys (At ALL Times)
Hand Sanitizer
Hand Lotion
Scrap Paper
A Couple of Hair Ties

I occasionally bring my portable phone charger but that usually depends on how much battery I currently have and what I would be doing for the day.
If you are curious about my planner, stay tuned for a coming up post about organizing my planner!
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