Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Blogs I Love!

Reading blogs make my mornings! It is always refreshing to wake up every morning to a brand new blog post. Below you will find some of my favorite blogs to read:

This blog is full of prep and color. She gives you amazing lifestyle tips as well as how to study and have fun in college. There is always a new post to brighten up your day!

I have been reading this blog for quite some time and she really has helped me. She has a lot of great posts about style and organization, a.k.a MY TWO FAVE THINGS!

I recently discovered this blog and I can I just say... AMAZING! Her blog is so bright and has so many great pictures for outfit inspirations! This blog contains something for everyone. Travel, Lifestyle, Beauty, you name it!

I used to watch The Hills all the time when I was growing up. Lauren Conrad's style was always so fabulous and fierce. When I found out that she was starting blog, I could not contain my excitement. Her blog contains so many amazing posts for every day!

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