Sunday, July 19, 2015

National Ice Cream Day!

Did You Know That?...

The most popular flavor of ice cream is Vanilla. In second place is Chocolate and third is Strawberry.

1 cow can produce over 9,000 gallons of milk throughout their lifetime.

Hawaii is home to a fruit called the "Ice Cream Bean". This fruit is said to taste exactly like vanilla bean ice cream.

July is known as National Ice Cream Month

On average, 1 person can consume about 48 pints of ice cream per year.

The most profitable day of the week to sell ice cream is almost always on Sunday.

One can finish a cone of ice cream in about 50 licks.

It takes 12 gallons of milk to produce 1 gallon of ice cream.

Aren't all of these facts just yummy?

Feel free to comment and share about your love of ice cream and how you spent this glorious day!

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