Friday, July 31, 2015

Nail Polish Fanatic!

I used to hate painting my nails but these past few years, I just could not get enough of nail polish.  All of this different shades and colors always keeps me painting my nails on a almost daily basis. Every time I go into a store, I always tend to gravitate towards the nail polish display just to see what new colors have come out. My favorite brands are Essie and O.P.I and thank god they come out with new colors and shades every season and holidays. My collection of nail polish has grown so much that I have 2 large shoeboxes full. I am literally thinking about painting my nails as I type this post and I am getting so excited about all of the possibilities. There are always so many different colors and patterns that may spark your fancy!

What are some of your favorite brands and colors of nail polish?
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