Monday, July 13, 2015

Embrace Your Geekness Day!

If you haven't guessed it by the title, today is Embrace Your Geekness Day! I am not one for labels so I would not like to say I am geek but I am definitely a part of quite a few fandoms.

Supernatural has definitely become one of my many life obsessions. My boyfriend did warn me that once I started watching it that I would become hooked. I made it my mission to watch the entire series from the beginning and of course by this time they were at season 7 or 8 I believe. Three years later and I am still an avid watcher!

I have also always been obsessed with The Vampire Diaries ever since it premiered when I was in high school. I would watch this show religiously every week and would let nothing stop me. Sadly, my life became too hectic that I wasn't able to keep up with the series but I do plan on getting caught up!

One of my most favorite fandoms is TRANSFORMERS! I have no shame in how much I love Transformers. When I was 16, my mother threw me a transformers themed birthday. We had a transformer cake, plates, cup and ever a tablecloth. It was amazing. I honestly have no idea why but I just love Transformers. I have seen every movie multiple times and cannot wait for the new movie to come out! 

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