Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Hello March!

Happy Monday Lovelies!

I know that I have been gone fore quite some time. My life has become increasingly hectic and I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Between working 2 jobs, having 3 grad classes and all of the projects and papers that go along with that were just too much to handle.

But today is the start of a brand new moth. Not just any month, it's MARCH. March happens to be one of my all time favorite months, next to December of course.

So since it is a brand new month, I felt that it was only appropriate to have a brand new start to my blog. Starting today, The Prep Way will be back in action.

Nothing is better then turning to the 1st day of a month on your calendar. It's like starting over with a brand new clean slate. It is just so refreshing to see number one on my calendar rather than eighteen or even twenty.

What are some of the things that you are looking forward to in this beautiful month of March?
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