Monday, July 27, 2015

My Life Motto

I have always lived my life by a few mottos:

Everything Happens For A Reason

Treat Other The Way You Want To Be Treated

If You Don't Have Anything Nice To Say, Don't Say Anything At All

Whether an event is good or bad, I really do feel like everything happens for a reason. Sometimes things have to happen in order for new doors to open. For example, I never saw myself working at my school's bookstore but I'm very glad that I did. 3 years later I became the Student Manager of the Textbooks Department. I would have never had that opportunity if I never applied. Even if a event is bad, if you stay positive throughout it and strive to get better then a positive outcome can happen.

If you treat someone with kindness and respect then they would treat you the same. Now don't get me wrong, there are people out there that will not no matter but hey, kill them with kindness. After working in the retail business for 3 years I learned that even though someone may becoming angry or irritated it does not help or solve anything to be angry back. Stay calm and keep your composure. You can never make friends by being angry and stand offish.

If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all has been taught to everyone at a very young age. It is always nice to be polite and kind. If you ave something mean to say, you should not say it because it can cause a bigger problem and /or not resolve anything. If you have to defend yourself then that is something different. If someone is spreading rumors about you, ten  it would not solve anything by spreading rumors about them.

What are some mottos that you live by?
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