Thursday, July 23, 2015

Take Me Back To : St. Thomas

During the summer, I always look back at all of the trips that I have taken over the years. Sure I have been out of the country to some of the most beautiful locations but nothing could ever top St. Thomas. St. Thomas was just so beautiful and breathtaking that I can't stop looking at these pictures listed below.

This was the amazingly awesome view from our balcony. It was such a blessing to wake up every morning to this wonderful sight.

How awesome is this view? This was taken on top of a mountain and trust me it was terrifying but it was worth it for this shot.

This was a shot of the port where we were waiting for the water taxi. The views in St. Thomas are just incredible and to good to miss.

The Downtown area of St. Thomas was packed full of little shops and boutiques to fit every tourist. It was just so fun and interesting seeing their culture in action.

I could not resist snapping a picture of my feet in the crystal waters! Pardon my chipped nail polish.

We had visited another beach within the British Territory and it was fantastic. Crystal clear waters and white sandy beaches is the perfect summer combination.

Ugh... I want to go back so bad... but this summer is about moving on to bigger and better things in the next chapter of my life!

What are some of your best summer memories and/or trips? Comment below and and feel free to  post pictures!

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