Wednesday, January 13, 2016

101 Things In 1001 Days!

I promised you all a list of the 101 things that I want to do in 1001 days!

I have seen a lot of bloggers doing this and a lot of pins on Pinterest about it and I thought why not?!

I know some of my tasks may seem simple and plan but to me, they are things that I like to do and obtainable goals for me.

Starts: January 13th 2016

Ends: October 10th 2018
(Coincidentally that is my dad's Birthday)

So without further adieu, here is my wonderful list:

1. Come up with 101 Things (1/13/2016)
2. Inspire someone else to create a 101 in 1001 list
3. Obtain my Master's in Clinical Psychology/Counseling
4. Visit 5 new cities
5. Start sending out fun and creative care packages
6. Host a Dinner Party
7. Send handwritten letters to people instead of Email
8. Adopt a Dog
9. Learn Photography
10. Continue learning German
11. Go to at least 5 concerts
12. Join a club/organization
13. Have a girl's weekend
14. Not to shop for a month
15. Send Christmas Cards
16. Go somewhere fun and exciting for my Birthday
17. Create a Address Book
18. Expand my blog
19. Attend a festival
20. Start drinking more water every day
21. Get caught up with all of my favorite shows
22. Start Meal Planning fro every week (1/6/2016)
23. Go apple picking
24. Treat my family to dinner
25. Start Volunteering
26. Start working out 3 days a week
27. Run a 5k
28. Grow something on my own
29. Be a Party Planner
30. Finally achieve my fashion "look"
31. Create art for all of the blank spaces of my apartment
32. Start doing Yoga and Meditations
33. Start doing creative and fun Date Nights
34. Read a book a month
35. Attend a show at the Theater
36. Visit all of the major Aquariums in the US (Already have seen Shedd Aquarium and Georgia Aquarium)
37. Visit the Museum of Natural History in NYC
38. Attend the Supernatural Convention in Pittsburgh, PA
39. Go to NYC and see a show on Broadway
40. Create a Budget and stick with it
41. Sign up for a library card
42. Go to a Tailgate Party
43. Attend a Alumni even at my Alma mater Bowling Green State University
44. Stop eating any and every fast food
45. Try out 3 new Restaurants
46. Learn how to paddle board
47. Grow out my hair longer
48. Organize my Pinterest boards
49. Stay current and caught up with my Class readings
50. Start a Journal
51. Reconnect with a old friend
52. Surprise my mom with flowers
53.Increase my blog views
54. Start a collection of something
55. Get a new blog design
56. Post 1 new blog post every day for a month
57. Donate Blood
58. Get straight A's for a semester
59. Go camping
60. See a TED Talk Live
61. Strictly follow a schedule for 2 months
62.Create a Inspiration/Motivation Board
63. Make a Photo Album/Scrapbook
64. Visit Universal Studios
65. Clean out my Macbook
66. Clean out my Email
67. Go Snorkeling
68. Go on a Cruise
69. Attend New Year's Eve in New York City
70. Go to a Halloween Party
71.Write a Song
72. Start writing Poetry
73. Send a letter to a Disney Character (I have no shame haha)
74. Crochet a scarf
75. Go to Disneyland and Disney World
76. Watch all of my favorite movies again
77. Crochet a blanket
78. Take another class about dinosaurs
79. Make my bed every day for 1 month
80. Collect a postcard from every state
82. Get a Pen Pal
82. Have a DIY Night
83. Blog about each completed task
84. Host a summer party
85. Celebrate 10 random and unique holidays
86. Meet my favorite Musicians
87. Listen to every song in my iTunes
88. Unsubscribe from stupid junk emails or ones I don't use anymore
89. Learn the lyrics to some of my favorite songs
90. Create the perfect study space
91. Get back to my goal weight
92. Read a book before it becomes a movie and then see it in theaters
93. Go to bed before midnight every night for a month
94. Do a Color and Glow Run
95. Paint a beautiful picture to hang on my wall
96. Over come my shyness and be more outgoing
97. Start going out more
98. Organize my jewelry collection
99. Become a mentor
100. Introduce myself to someone new
101. Finish my list of 101 Things!

What are some of the things on your Bucketlist?
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