Monday, July 20, 2015

Lions, Tigers, Bears... OH MY!

Everyone has their favorite animals and well, here are mine!

I have always loved Whales and when I discovered Whale Sharks a few years ago, my whole life changed. Ever since I was little I have always loved marine life, especially Whales. My mom actually ordered me these Whale figurines of every whale species she could find online. That has always been my driving force behind my life for oceanic creatures. I love these graceful gentle giants and how their striped exterior just gives them such character. There are very few in captivity in ONLY two places in the world. China and the Georgia aquarium are the only two aquariums with Whale Sharks. I had the pleasure of seeing these gentle giants up close and in action back in May at the Georgia Aquarium and can I just say... MIND BLOWING!

I could not even tell you why I love Wooly Mammoths. I always have which I guess is a really strange (extinct) animal to love but I do. I have a few Wooly Mammoth stuffed animals and can i just say that they are my pride and joy. They have always just been magnificent and amazing to me and that will never change.

Okay, who doesn't love Jurassic Park? Dinosaurs are so cool to learn about because there are so many different kinds. Dinosaurs came in many different colors, shapes, and sizes. Heck!, even some dinosaurs had feathers. There are just so many to learn that it could never be boring. Every day, new dinosaur fossils are being discovered. Of course, one can never know exactly how dinosaurs behaved or what they ate, but one can only imagine about one of earth's greatest organisms!

Let's share what some of your favorite animals are below! Feel free to comment as well as post your pictures.
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