Wednesday, June 24, 2015

A Little About Myself...

Hello All! This is the first post of my brand new blog. I am so excited to finally express my creativity to the world. As a way to get to know me, I felt like i would list 20 things about myself. I apologize if this is somewhat dry and/or boring. Here I go...

1. I am a Bowling Green State Alumni
2. I have three siblings
3. I love to paint
4. My nails are always painted
5. I monogram everything
6. I cannot function without my planner
7. I am always smiling
8. Comedies are my favorite genre of movies
9. Christmas is my all time favorite holiday
10. I love winter (mainly because I was born during a massive blizzard)
11. Reading is one of my favorite hobbies
12. I love to bake cookies and cupcakes
13. My family and friends mean everything to me
14. My favorite sports are Baseball, Hockey and Lacrosse 
15. I have my bachelor's degree in Psychology
16. I have a massive nail polish collection
17. I have a guilty pleasure for pretzel M&Ms
18. I love to sing
19. My father is a pastor
20. I have 3 lovely dogs that are my children

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