Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Ugh...Pet Peeves

Dragging their feet

I absolutely hate the sound of people dragging their feet! I think that it could be one of the most annoying sounds known to man. It's like people just can't use a little bit of effort to pick their feet up.

Loudly Chewing/Popping Gum

This has always been a pet peeve of mine. It's not hard to chew quietly or at least chew with their mouth closed. Growing up I was told to not "smack" which means to not chew with your mouth open. It is just polite and common courtesy.

Saying "like" after every word

Every can say that they know at least one person that does this. I never really understood why people do this. I am somewhat of a grammar nazi but saying "like" all the time is just super annoying. 

Not dressing appropriately

One should always look presentable when you go out in public. Now I'm not saying that one must get dressed up to go out. I am simply saying that you should at least look put together. For example, your hair should at least be combed and look like you took a shower. Being a college student really opened my eyes to all the different types of people out there. Some people just walk around looking like they just rolled out of bed and still go to class in their pajamas. One of the worst things about this is that people step out of the house with so much skin and body showing. I'm not saying its wrong to show skin, I'm saying people walk around with the shortest shorts or with necklines that plunge too low. Some people wake up in the morning and just put on whatever they can find. I have sat in too many classes where girls and guys will have their entire backside out in the open. It's just not a pleasant site to see.

Being Late

I hate being late. It's like why bother to show up to something if you are just going to be late. I know many of us have or are struggling with this while in college. I have seen so many people come into class 30 mins late and the class ends in 20 mins. Why come then haha? 

Talking loudly on the phone

We all can say that we have either witnessed this, know someone that has or you do it yourself. It is just common courtesy. The whole world should not have to hear your conversation whether it is personal, funny, or what have you. 
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