Thursday, July 16, 2015

How I Manage My Time...

My life is always pretty hectic! I am always ripping and running somewhere. Luckily since I graduated and it is summer, I do have a bit of free time before school starts back up in the fall. Things may be calm now but I am always prepared for a crazy busy day.

Here are some tips as to how I manage my time:

I ALWAYS have my planner
I never go anywhere without it and I am always writing important dates and events in it. I would 100% completely be lost without my planner. I am very big on organization and color coordinating (Stay tuned for a future post). I am always checking my planner because I never want to miss anything and always stay on top of things.
Carry a Pen
I always carry a pen because you do not know when you would need to write something down. It would be horrible to have to remember a date, time and place that someone has told you because you were not able to write it down. Then you would start doing something else and forget all the information. Trust me, it has happened a lot in the past. I made a vow to myself to always carry a pen.  

Make Lists
I am always making lists for something. It usually is a Daily To Do List or a Grocery List but it helps me to not forget things. To Do Lists help me lay out everything I have to do that day and prioritize it. Lists are also a great way to stay on top of things and not procrastinate. Nothing feels better then cross out or checking off a completed task!
Always Take Breaks For Yourself
Even though your life may get crazy, it is always important to take time out for yourself. Taking time out for yourself is a great way to relax and de-stress after a busy day. It can also help clear your mind and to think clearly. Whatever relaxes you works best. I love to listen to music because it shuts out the world around me and clears my mind. You could take a nice relaxing bath or read a good book.
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