Thursday, July 30, 2015

How To Survive A Road Trip

I love going on road trips but some think of it as such a bore...

Here are some great tips to help you survive your next road trip!

1. Make Sure All Of Your Devices Are Charged And All Your Cords Are Ready To Go!
You would never want to be stranded without  a charged cell phone. That is just a no no!. Make sure your phone, iPod etc is fully charged before getting in your vehicle. Also remember to ave all of your chargers and car audio cords are in your vehicle before leaving. I am the type of person that cannot listen to silence or radio static. I am always listening to the large, I mean LARGE variety of music on my iPod. If my iPod was to die during a road trip, I would simply go crazy. There are many other things that one can listen to. Many people like to listen to the radio and all of its' different stations or even audio books.

2. Make Sure To Always Have A Emergency Kit
You should always keep emergency bandaids, ointments, tylenol and other pain relievers, mini tools and even a mini flashlight. There are so many other things that you can keep in your car emergency kit. For example, a mini lint roller, nail filer, gum, hair ties and stain wipes. If you have any helpful items in your emergency kit, feel free to comment below.

3. Trips Are Always Better With Friends!
Of course this cannot always happen but when you can, travel with your friends. Friends help make the time go by quicker and just makes the trip more fun. So many memories can be created while driving with your friends. If you are not able to physically take a trip with your friends, calling them or other family members works just as well.

4. Snacks, Yummy Snacks
You would never want to be hungry or thirsty while driving. We have all been there and know never again! Enough Said! : )
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