Friday, July 31, 2015

Nail Polish Fanatic!

I used to hate painting my nails but these past few years, I just could not get enough of nail polish.  All of this different shades and colors always keeps me painting my nails on a almost daily basis. Every time I go into a store, I always tend to gravitate towards the nail polish display just to see what new colors have come out. My favorite brands are Essie and O.P.I and thank god they come out with new colors and shades every season and holidays. My collection of nail polish has grown so much that I have 2 large shoeboxes full. I am literally thinking about painting my nails as I type this post and I am getting so excited about all of the possibilities. There are always so many different colors and patterns that may spark your fancy!

What are some of your favorite brands and colors of nail polish?
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Thursday, July 30, 2015

How To Survive A Road Trip

I love going on road trips but some think of it as such a bore...

Here are some great tips to help you survive your next road trip!

1. Make Sure All Of Your Devices Are Charged And All Your Cords Are Ready To Go!
You would never want to be stranded without  a charged cell phone. That is just a no no!. Make sure your phone, iPod etc is fully charged before getting in your vehicle. Also remember to ave all of your chargers and car audio cords are in your vehicle before leaving. I am the type of person that cannot listen to silence or radio static. I am always listening to the large, I mean LARGE variety of music on my iPod. If my iPod was to die during a road trip, I would simply go crazy. There are many other things that one can listen to. Many people like to listen to the radio and all of its' different stations or even audio books.

2. Make Sure To Always Have A Emergency Kit
You should always keep emergency bandaids, ointments, tylenol and other pain relievers, mini tools and even a mini flashlight. There are so many other things that you can keep in your car emergency kit. For example, a mini lint roller, nail filer, gum, hair ties and stain wipes. If you have any helpful items in your emergency kit, feel free to comment below.

3. Trips Are Always Better With Friends!
Of course this cannot always happen but when you can, travel with your friends. Friends help make the time go by quicker and just makes the trip more fun. So many memories can be created while driving with your friends. If you are not able to physically take a trip with your friends, calling them or other family members works just as well.

4. Snacks, Yummy Snacks
You would never want to be hungry or thirsty while driving. We have all been there and know never again! Enough Said! : )
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Wednesday, July 29, 2015


I would like to welcome my new baby! 
My father and step mother decided to surprise me with a college graduation present!
Low and behold, it's a...CAR!

Isn't she just beautiful! She is a 2012 Honda Cr-V Ex! I just love her so much!

She came with so many awesome features that I have never had before! Tinted windows, Bluetooth hands free link, aux port and just oh so much space!

Stay tuned for a What's Inside My Car? Post

Happy Hump Day!

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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Favorite Disney Movies

1. A Goofy Movie
2. Hercules
3.Peter Pan
4. Up
5. Chicken Little
6. Holes
7. Atlantis: The Lost Empire
8. Monster's Inc.
9.Finding Nemo
10. Newsies
11. Pirates Of The Caribbean 
12. The Aristocrats

I have always loved watching Disney Movies. Everyone has at least one favorite disney movie and/or character. Feel free to comment below with your favorite disney movie(s).

Have a Happy Tuesday Everyone!
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Monday, July 27, 2015

My Life Motto

I have always lived my life by a few mottos:

Everything Happens For A Reason

Treat Other The Way You Want To Be Treated

If You Don't Have Anything Nice To Say, Don't Say Anything At All

Whether an event is good or bad, I really do feel like everything happens for a reason. Sometimes things have to happen in order for new doors to open. For example, I never saw myself working at my school's bookstore but I'm very glad that I did. 3 years later I became the Student Manager of the Textbooks Department. I would have never had that opportunity if I never applied. Even if a event is bad, if you stay positive throughout it and strive to get better then a positive outcome can happen.

If you treat someone with kindness and respect then they would treat you the same. Now don't get me wrong, there are people out there that will not no matter but hey, kill them with kindness. After working in the retail business for 3 years I learned that even though someone may becoming angry or irritated it does not help or solve anything to be angry back. Stay calm and keep your composure. You can never make friends by being angry and stand offish.

If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all has been taught to everyone at a very young age. It is always nice to be polite and kind. If you ave something mean to say, you should not say it because it can cause a bigger problem and /or not resolve anything. If you have to defend yourself then that is something different. If someone is spreading rumors about you, ten  it would not solve anything by spreading rumors about them.

What are some mottos that you live by?
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Friday, July 24, 2015

Christmas In July!

Christmas time, well winter in general, is my most favorite time of the year. Sadly it is still a little over 5 moths away. Luckily there is another wonderful time of the year called Christmas in July! It just gives people another reason to celebrate Christmas without it actually being Christmas. 

Tomorrow, my family and I are heading up to Put-In-Bay, OH for CHRISTMAS IN JULY! I am so excited that I am about to burst. Literally, as I am typing this post I am listening to Christmas music. Since I am in such a fantastic Christmas mood, I am going to drink coffee out of my Christmas mug and watch Christmas Movies!!!

If any of you guys are doing anything for Christmas In July or just love Christmas, feel free to comment below!

Have a Happy, Safe and Festive Weekend!
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Thursday, July 23, 2015

Take Me Back To : St. Thomas

During the summer, I always look back at all of the trips that I have taken over the years. Sure I have been out of the country to some of the most beautiful locations but nothing could ever top St. Thomas. St. Thomas was just so beautiful and breathtaking that I can't stop looking at these pictures listed below.

This was the amazingly awesome view from our balcony. It was such a blessing to wake up every morning to this wonderful sight.

How awesome is this view? This was taken on top of a mountain and trust me it was terrifying but it was worth it for this shot.

This was a shot of the port where we were waiting for the water taxi. The views in St. Thomas are just incredible and to good to miss.

The Downtown area of St. Thomas was packed full of little shops and boutiques to fit every tourist. It was just so fun and interesting seeing their culture in action.

I could not resist snapping a picture of my feet in the crystal waters! Pardon my chipped nail polish.

We had visited another beach within the British Territory and it was fantastic. Crystal clear waters and white sandy beaches is the perfect summer combination.

Ugh... I want to go back so bad... but this summer is about moving on to bigger and better things in the next chapter of my life!

What are some of your best summer memories and/or trips? Comment below and and feel free to  post pictures!

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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Blogs I Love!

Reading blogs make my mornings! It is always refreshing to wake up every morning to a brand new blog post. Below you will find some of my favorite blogs to read:

This blog is full of prep and color. She gives you amazing lifestyle tips as well as how to study and have fun in college. There is always a new post to brighten up your day!

I have been reading this blog for quite some time and she really has helped me. She has a lot of great posts about style and organization, a.k.a MY TWO FAVE THINGS!

I recently discovered this blog and I can I just say... AMAZING! Her blog is so bright and has so many great pictures for outfit inspirations! This blog contains something for everyone. Travel, Lifestyle, Beauty, you name it!

I used to watch The Hills all the time when I was growing up. Lauren Conrad's style was always so fabulous and fierce. When I found out that she was starting blog, I could not contain my excitement. Her blog contains so many amazing posts for every day!

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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Ugh...Pet Peeves

Dragging their feet

I absolutely hate the sound of people dragging their feet! I think that it could be one of the most annoying sounds known to man. It's like people just can't use a little bit of effort to pick their feet up.

Loudly Chewing/Popping Gum

This has always been a pet peeve of mine. It's not hard to chew quietly or at least chew with their mouth closed. Growing up I was told to not "smack" which means to not chew with your mouth open. It is just polite and common courtesy.

Saying "like" after every word

Every can say that they know at least one person that does this. I never really understood why people do this. I am somewhat of a grammar nazi but saying "like" all the time is just super annoying. 

Not dressing appropriately

One should always look presentable when you go out in public. Now I'm not saying that one must get dressed up to go out. I am simply saying that you should at least look put together. For example, your hair should at least be combed and look like you took a shower. Being a college student really opened my eyes to all the different types of people out there. Some people just walk around looking like they just rolled out of bed and still go to class in their pajamas. One of the worst things about this is that people step out of the house with so much skin and body showing. I'm not saying its wrong to show skin, I'm saying people walk around with the shortest shorts or with necklines that plunge too low. Some people wake up in the morning and just put on whatever they can find. I have sat in too many classes where girls and guys will have their entire backside out in the open. It's just not a pleasant site to see.

Being Late

I hate being late. It's like why bother to show up to something if you are just going to be late. I know many of us have or are struggling with this while in college. I have seen so many people come into class 30 mins late and the class ends in 20 mins. Why come then haha? 

Talking loudly on the phone

We all can say that we have either witnessed this, know someone that has or you do it yourself. It is just common courtesy. The whole world should not have to hear your conversation whether it is personal, funny, or what have you. 
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Monday, July 20, 2015

Lions, Tigers, Bears... OH MY!

Everyone has their favorite animals and well, here are mine!

I have always loved Whales and when I discovered Whale Sharks a few years ago, my whole life changed. Ever since I was little I have always loved marine life, especially Whales. My mom actually ordered me these Whale figurines of every whale species she could find online. That has always been my driving force behind my life for oceanic creatures. I love these graceful gentle giants and how their striped exterior just gives them such character. There are very few in captivity in ONLY two places in the world. China and the Georgia aquarium are the only two aquariums with Whale Sharks. I had the pleasure of seeing these gentle giants up close and in action back in May at the Georgia Aquarium and can I just say... MIND BLOWING!

I could not even tell you why I love Wooly Mammoths. I always have which I guess is a really strange (extinct) animal to love but I do. I have a few Wooly Mammoth stuffed animals and can i just say that they are my pride and joy. They have always just been magnificent and amazing to me and that will never change.

Okay, who doesn't love Jurassic Park? Dinosaurs are so cool to learn about because there are so many different kinds. Dinosaurs came in many different colors, shapes, and sizes. Heck!, even some dinosaurs had feathers. There are just so many to learn that it could never be boring. Every day, new dinosaur fossils are being discovered. Of course, one can never know exactly how dinosaurs behaved or what they ate, but one can only imagine about one of earth's greatest organisms!

Let's share what some of your favorite animals are below! Feel free to comment as well as post your pictures.
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Sunday, July 19, 2015

National Ice Cream Day!

Did You Know That?...

The most popular flavor of ice cream is Vanilla. In second place is Chocolate and third is Strawberry.

1 cow can produce over 9,000 gallons of milk throughout their lifetime.

Hawaii is home to a fruit called the "Ice Cream Bean". This fruit is said to taste exactly like vanilla bean ice cream.

July is known as National Ice Cream Month

On average, 1 person can consume about 48 pints of ice cream per year.

The most profitable day of the week to sell ice cream is almost always on Sunday.

One can finish a cone of ice cream in about 50 licks.

It takes 12 gallons of milk to produce 1 gallon of ice cream.

Aren't all of these facts just yummy?

Feel free to comment and share about your love of ice cream and how you spent this glorious day!

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Friday, July 17, 2015

Yummy Summer Snacks!

There are so many yummy possibilities of food to eat this summer. Whether it is a snack, dinner or food for a party, the options are endless. Use your creativity to whip up some yummy healthy dishes!

Fruit Kabobs
For fruit kabobs you can use any fruit and make it as colorful as you would like. These are super easy to make and oh so tasty!

Fruit Salsa
This is another creative dish where you can add many different kinds of fruits. As long as it tastes good to you, that is all that matters. You could bring this dish to a summer cookout or a small get together and watch it be a hit!

Simple Fruit Salad
Once again, you can be as creative as you would like. Add as much fruit to your heart's content. This dish could be brought to any summer event and who doesn't a good old fashion fruit salad?

Must Not Forget...WATER!
Now one could always drink plain old water but what about spicing it up? A current trend sweeping the nation is Infused Water. Water can be flavored with just about anything. Strawberries, Mint, Lemons, you name it! Let's get crazy with our water!

If you haven't noticed by now that the running theme is Fruit then you might want to read the post again haha! Fruit is super healthy for you and has plenty of benefits to eating it. They are full of antioxidants and vitamins and can also keep you hydrated.

FUN FACT: Watermelons are made up of 91% water! (Can you say refreshing?)

If you have any fun recipes, ideas or ways how you flavor your water, feel free to comment below.

There are so many more recipes and ideas out there so be creative and try something new!

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Thursday, July 16, 2015

How I Manage My Time...

My life is always pretty hectic! I am always ripping and running somewhere. Luckily since I graduated and it is summer, I do have a bit of free time before school starts back up in the fall. Things may be calm now but I am always prepared for a crazy busy day.

Here are some tips as to how I manage my time:

I ALWAYS have my planner
I never go anywhere without it and I am always writing important dates and events in it. I would 100% completely be lost without my planner. I am very big on organization and color coordinating (Stay tuned for a future post). I am always checking my planner because I never want to miss anything and always stay on top of things.
Carry a Pen
I always carry a pen because you do not know when you would need to write something down. It would be horrible to have to remember a date, time and place that someone has told you because you were not able to write it down. Then you would start doing something else and forget all the information. Trust me, it has happened a lot in the past. I made a vow to myself to always carry a pen.  

Make Lists
I am always making lists for something. It usually is a Daily To Do List or a Grocery List but it helps me to not forget things. To Do Lists help me lay out everything I have to do that day and prioritize it. Lists are also a great way to stay on top of things and not procrastinate. Nothing feels better then cross out or checking off a completed task!
Always Take Breaks For Yourself
Even though your life may get crazy, it is always important to take time out for yourself. Taking time out for yourself is a great way to relax and de-stress after a busy day. It can also help clear your mind and to think clearly. Whatever relaxes you works best. I love to listen to music because it shuts out the world around me and clears my mind. You could take a nice relaxing bath or read a good book.
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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Planner Review!

I love my Erin Condren Life Planner! Their new lined horizontal layout is the perfect fit for my crazy life. The planner features weekly as well as monthly views which makes planning a breeze. The colors are so bright and really make the pages POP!
If you are someone who loves a variety then you will love their customizable interchangeable covers. The Erin Condren crew has added so many new unique designs this planner season that it is so hard to choose. There is a new feature where you can create your own cover by choosing any of your personal photos. Another plus is that they also release covers designs for major holidays and events.
I use the monthly view to write in important dates such as birthdays, holidays and big events. However, I use the weekly view to write more specific things such as appointments, homework, and to do lists.

One of the many reasons why I love Erin Condren is because every one of their life planners come with matching color stickers. These stickers are so functional and fit every day events such as birthdays and mani/pedi days! They also include blank stickers for you to write on and you can even order more for only $4!!

Life Planners also come with an installed plastic durable zipper pouch to help store all of your planner stickers or anything else that may fancy you. I use it to store my planner flags and TV reminder stickers. 

Another great feature to this planner is that you have your choice of having a 12 month planner or an 18 month. If you are to order an 18 month planner, it will contain the remainder of 2015, depending on when you order it as well as all of 2016. I love having an 18 month because I already have some events being scheduled in 2016 and it makes it so much easier to see the whole year at a glance to avoid any scheduling conflicts.
Erin Condren has so many items than just planners. They also sell wedding planners, teacher planners, acrylic trays and so much more. This is the only planner that has so many accessories to go with it. Whether you are a person who likes to attach a pen holder or have a stylish elastic band to help keep your planner closed. Erin Condren has it all and there is so much to chose from.
There is something for everyone!
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