Thursday, January 7, 2016

When It's Cold Outside...

Happy Thursday Everyone!

Everyday it is getting colder and colder and I am absolutely dreading it : (

The colder it gets the more I want to stay inside.

So in honor of wanting to stay inside, I complied a list of the top 10 movies that would make staying in worth while.

The 10, by no means in any particular order, are:

1. The Theory of Everything
2. Jurassic Park
3. Peter Pan
4. UP (One of my all time favorites)
5. Remember Me (If you like romance/sad movies)
6. A Walk To Remember
7. Grease (A Classic!)
8. Harry Potter
9. Pirates of the Caribbean
10. The Notebook

Of course there are many many other amazing movies to watch!

What are some of your favorite movies to stay in and watch?
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