Monday, January 11, 2016

Stay Tuned...

Happy Monday and Good Morning Everyone!

I hope everyone had a great weekend! 

My weekend was filled with all sorts of craziness.

As soon as I got off work on Friday, I picked up the keys to my apartment and we immediately starting moving in. We finished moving everything that night. On Saturday I finished moving all of my other odds and ends. Saturday and Sunday were my first official nights in my apartment. 

The weekend would have gone perfect if the weather wanted to cooperate. It rained all day Friday and it was freezing, It also rained on Saturday but thank god it was warm. We had our first official winter snow yesterday and everybody in the world was out trying to go to the store to get prepared.

This coming week I am going to finish unpacking and get everything set up. My mom is going to visit this weekend and of course she will help me decorate. 

Stay tuned for tomorrow's exciting post.

Have a Happy Monday!
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