Tuesday, January 26, 2016

How To Make Friends While In Grad School!

Happy Tuesday Everyone!

I am not sure why but today was a bit of a struggle. I had the hardest time getting out of bed this morning.

Any who, I am only into my second week of Graduate School, and let me tell you. it is definitely different from Undergrad.

From having classes at night, to living off campus and even having fewer people in your classes are just some of the major differences.

I am completely serious, in my Orientation to Counseling class, there are only seven of us and that is not including our professor. 

Graduate Schools are contain a wide variety of students. You will have some students who are fresh out of undergrad and some who are much older who are going back to school.

Whatever the case may be, we are all here to learn but we are also here to socialize.

I am 22 years old and I am a extremely social being. One of my big concerns about Graduate school is not being involved or social enough to met anyone. It's not like Undergrad where there was always some event going on or seeing thousands of people on a daily basis. 

Since this my first semester of Graduate School, I really wanted to get involved and see what John Carroll's social life is like.

Of course, this is where the Internet came in to play.

I searched around the Internet to see if there were any tips on how to put yourself out there because of course, I knew that I was not the only one going through this situation.

Some of the helpful hints were:

1. Don't sell yourself short
- You know what kind of person you and what you feel comfortable with. Don't trick yourself into thinking that no one wants to be your friend. In order to be a friend, you have to be one as well.

2. Things to take time
- Unfortunately not everything happens in a instant. Sometimes, making a friend has to take time and effort. You may click with a person right away but other times you may have continue talking to someone until they open up to you.

3. Don't wait for people to come to you
- Put yourself out there and you never know what may happen. Don't be afraid to ask questions or approach someone. For all you know, someone may want to talk to you but are too shy to approach you.

- This is one thing that I can not stress enough. I was very involved during my undergrad and I met a lot of people through it. It may be scary joining a new surrounding but as long as you embrace it and are willing to learn something new then you would fit right in. Theme/Concept clubs are a great way to get involved. Every college has tons of clubs that pertain to certain hobbies. For example, John Carroll has a book reading club, Psychology club and many others. There is always something to find. Also, if you cannot find a club that fits with your hobbies, you could always make your own club! You do not have to only get involved on campus, there are plenty of events and organizations to take part in around your community.

5. Step out of your comfort zone
- I tend to struggle with this. It can be very difficult to step out of your comfort zone. I tend to value my alone time and always want to relax in a calm environment haha. Being by myself is great and all but sometimes you just enjoy the company of others. Venture out into the world and go to a event or place that you would never see yourself going to.You never know when you may learn something new. 

I hope these tips helped someone in any way. I know that they definitely made me more comfortable with putting myself out there.
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