Monday, January 4, 2016

My New Year's Resolutions!

Happy Monday Everyone and Happy New Year!

Since it is the beginning of the year, I thought that it would make sense to have a list of resolutions.

I never really created resolutions let alone keep them.

Since I have gotten older and more mature, I really wanted to create a list of resolutions that are practical and obtainable.

This year I would really like to:

Personal Resolutions:

1. Stay Motivated
2. Stay Productive
3. Work out at least 3 times a week and keep track
4. Join a Organization
5. Keep current on School work
6. See myself in a better and more positive light
7. Stay organized and clean
8. Be positive every day!
9. Be more outgoing 
10. Try something new
11. Start Meal Planning

Blog Resolutions:

1. Create eye catching post pictures for every post
2. Create a post Monday through Friday (and Saturdays and Sundays occasionally)
3. Keep track of new ideas
4. Keep current and consistent on The Prep Way
5. Keep current on Bloglovin' and Pinterest
6. Start and stay current on The Prep Way's Instagram

What are some of your New Year's Resolutions?
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