Thursday, January 28, 2016

Expectations of Graduate School!

Happy Thursday Everyone!

We are almost there, it is almost the Weekend!!

The topic of today's post has been on my mind for the last couple of weeks. 

I am only into my second week of Graduate School, but so far I am loving it. I was scared at first of how difficult the course work must be as well as how I would possibly not be able to have a life of my own haha.

Before I started Graduate School, my expectations were:

- Everyone would be very serious
- Extreme amounts of course work
- Not able to have any free time
- Basically "living" on campus
- Teachers expect you to know everything
If you don't get an A, you will fail

What I actually found out was:

- Everyone is in the same place as me. Meaning, most of my classmates are in their first or second semesters of grad school and are still new into the world of Psychology

-Yes there is a large amount of coursework. I am not going to sugar coat that but it is completely doable and actually kind of fun. It is very manageable as long as you stay on top of your readings and such.

- As I said before, there is a lot of coursework but it actually is very easy to make time yourself. I have always been a big planning person but I have become a even BIGGER one since I started school while working 2 jobs. Always make time to study. I am very fortunate that my classes fall on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. That leaves plenty of time over the weekend and at the beginning of the week to take care of everything.

- Professors definitely DO NOT expect you to know everything. However, they do expect you to have some knowledge about the courses. As I stated previously, most of your classmates are new too. Whether they are new to grad school or just to the class, everyone is there to learn. Professors understand that you are new and expect you to be professional by asking questions and engage yourself in the material. I used to not be a big question and class participation person. It was not that I was a shy person, I just did not feel comfortable asking questions in a large group setting. I feel so much more comfortable with class participation and raising my hand in my grad class. I think it is because we are such a smaller group and it is easier to relate to the input of the other classmates. 

- In order to pass, you do not have to have straight A's. Unfortunately, you are not able to achieve a C or lower and be allowed to pass. As I always say, try your best, study hard and apply yourself. 

Like I said, I am only the second week but honestly I love it and feel so much more comfortable!
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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Looking to Start Improving Your Life?

Happy Hump Day Everyone!

As you can all see, I have been a bit of a self improvement kick lately.

I guess it is pretty self explanatory haha so here is another post containing different ways to help improve your body and daily lives!

1. START drinking More Water
2. START eating Breakfast
3. START eating more Fruits and Veggies
4. START exercising
5. START reading
6. START going to bed earlier
7. STOP having negative thoughts
8. STOP dwelling on the past
9. START to enjoy the little things
10. STOP judging and comparing yourself to others
11. START meditating
12. STOP procrastinating
13. STOP eating Fast Food
14. START stretching daily
15. START being organized
16. START wearing what makes you happy
17. START throwing away things that you do not need
18. STOP caring about what other's think
19. START doing whatever makes you happy
20. START to go outside more
21. START saving money
22. START waking up earlier

How are you all improving your daily lives?
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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

How To Make Friends While In Grad School!

Happy Tuesday Everyone!

I am not sure why but today was a bit of a struggle. I had the hardest time getting out of bed this morning.

Any who, I am only into my second week of Graduate School, and let me tell you. it is definitely different from Undergrad.

From having classes at night, to living off campus and even having fewer people in your classes are just some of the major differences.

I am completely serious, in my Orientation to Counseling class, there are only seven of us and that is not including our professor. 

Graduate Schools are contain a wide variety of students. You will have some students who are fresh out of undergrad and some who are much older who are going back to school.

Whatever the case may be, we are all here to learn but we are also here to socialize.

I am 22 years old and I am a extremely social being. One of my big concerns about Graduate school is not being involved or social enough to met anyone. It's not like Undergrad where there was always some event going on or seeing thousands of people on a daily basis. 

Since this my first semester of Graduate School, I really wanted to get involved and see what John Carroll's social life is like.

Of course, this is where the Internet came in to play.

I searched around the Internet to see if there were any tips on how to put yourself out there because of course, I knew that I was not the only one going through this situation.

Some of the helpful hints were:

1. Don't sell yourself short
- You know what kind of person you and what you feel comfortable with. Don't trick yourself into thinking that no one wants to be your friend. In order to be a friend, you have to be one as well.

2. Things to take time
- Unfortunately not everything happens in a instant. Sometimes, making a friend has to take time and effort. You may click with a person right away but other times you may have continue talking to someone until they open up to you.

3. Don't wait for people to come to you
- Put yourself out there and you never know what may happen. Don't be afraid to ask questions or approach someone. For all you know, someone may want to talk to you but are too shy to approach you.

- This is one thing that I can not stress enough. I was very involved during my undergrad and I met a lot of people through it. It may be scary joining a new surrounding but as long as you embrace it and are willing to learn something new then you would fit right in. Theme/Concept clubs are a great way to get involved. Every college has tons of clubs that pertain to certain hobbies. For example, John Carroll has a book reading club, Psychology club and many others. There is always something to find. Also, if you cannot find a club that fits with your hobbies, you could always make your own club! You do not have to only get involved on campus, there are plenty of events and organizations to take part in around your community.

5. Step out of your comfort zone
- I tend to struggle with this. It can be very difficult to step out of your comfort zone. I tend to value my alone time and always want to relax in a calm environment haha. Being by myself is great and all but sometimes you just enjoy the company of others. Venture out into the world and go to a event or place that you would never see yourself going to.You never know when you may learn something new. 

I hope these tips helped someone in any way. I know that they definitely made me more comfortable with putting myself out there.
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Monday, January 25, 2016

Get Pumped To Be Healthy!

As part of my New Year's Resolutions, I have been trying to get my health back in shape. I am just looking to get back in shape and to starting eating healthy again. 

I know that sometimes doing the same routine and eating the same foods over and over can become a bit boring.

While I was cruising around Pinterest for some fun work out tips, I came across a pin by the Daily Makeover.

They had a post titled 101 Ways to Lost a Pound that was a eye opener and really inspiring.

I as well as many others will tell you that diets do not work. Trust Me! When you want to lose weight, you want to lose it quickly. That right there is the main issue that we all struggle with. Losing weight needs to be more practical and realistic.

According to this post, there are very many activities that you could do to easily help lose a pound or two. Instead of working out three times a week for a multiple hours a day,why not do a more simple and possibly fun activity for less time every day?

P.S it does not always have to be physical exercise to lose weight!

Some of the amazing tips from this post are:

1. a 60 minute Cycling session

2. Swap out eggs for egg whites

3. Spend time with "like-minded" people

4. Take a 2 hour Power Yoga class

This can help one relax and focus solely on themselves.

5. Instead of adding Coffee Creamer, try adding nonfat milk instead

6.A 2 hour walk at a moderate pace

This can also be very relaxing and you can even do it with a walking buddy. Going for a walk is also a great way to get outside and experience the world around you.

7. Cut out one thing at a time.

It is very difficult to stop cold turkey and could have major negative effects on your progress.

8. Use a measuring cup instead of pouring cereal straight out of the box to help cut your calorie intake half

9. Drink less soda and more water!

10. Also, make sure you are getting enough sleep. 

Sleep is a important body function. It helps your body restore and recharge itself. 

I will definitely being using some of the great tips!

You should definitely check out this post to see the rest of their amazing tips.

Happy Monday Everyone!

P.S I am in no way meaning to upset anyone. This post is specifically general. I am just sharing something that I thought was interesting and someone else out there might find it interesting as well.I know that some things may be a touchy subject and I am by no means intentionally targeting anyone. 

Thank you all for understanding!
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Friday, January 22, 2016

How To Get Enough Sleep?

Happy Friday Everyone!

This has been one crazy week. From working full time, to also working my part time job, to classes and of course homework, I barely had any time left to sleep.

If you are like me with a busy schedule, you find it hard to find the right times to sleep. Sometimes it seems like you almost have to schedule in a time. Unfortunately, this might also mean that you are sleep deprived. 

They say a healthy night of sleep is about 6 to 8 hours. I would say that this week I am only averaging about maybe 22 hours of sleep. And of course, now its Friday and I am exhausted and all that I want to do is sleep.

Since I am in dire need of creating a healthy sleep routine, I thought that I would share some tips as to how to make sure you are getting an adequate amount of sleep every night.

1. Cut off all electronics at least one hour before bed.

I know that we are all guilty of this, especially me. I swear I am always looking at my phone before I fall asleep.

2. You should stop drinking caffeinated drinks at least 6 hours before bed. 

3. It is never healthy to go to bed stressed or anything.

If there is something on your mind before you go to bed, your brain would continuously think about it and there can keep you up at night. 

A easy solution to this may be to write out a list of things that you need to do the next day so that it is not sitting on your brain all night long and can help you relax. Also, if you are feeling angry or sad etc, write your feelings down before you go to sleep. This may give you some closure and just help you vent so that you can have a peaceful night's sleep.

4. Sleep in a dark and quiet room. 

5. Do something that helps you get comfy and relaxed before bed.

Whether it is a bath, a good book or just listening to some music. 

6. Make your bed every day.

According to a poll conducted by the National Sleep Foundation, people who make their bed every morning are 19% more likely to report having a better night's sleep

I have learned a lot while doing research on this topic and there a lot of tips that I really would like to try out.

What helps you sleep better at night?
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Thursday, January 21, 2016

National Hug Day!

It's National Hug Day Everyone!

Photo via

A hug could go a long way.

Giving someone a hug is far better than just a handshake or a pat on the back.

A person does not have to be sad or upset to get a hug or give a hug.

Actions do speak louder than words.

A hug today could save a life tomorrow.

Step out of your comfort zone and give someone a hug!
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Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Any Ideas?

Happy Hump Day Everyone!

I am really struggling with coming up with new topics to blog about.

I am really trying to have a creative post every Monday through Friday but it is becoming difficult to come up with brand new ideas.

I am the type of OCD person that I do not like to have the same post twice, so I literally have to come up with brand new ideas and plan them out. 

I also want to reach out more to you all.

I want to know about the different things that you all want to see or well not want to see on "The Prep Way".

I am always open to new ideas so please share!

Feel free to comment below with any ideas or tips you may have!

Thank you ALL for sticking with me!
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Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Happy Tuesday!

There is not going to be a normal post today!

My week has been very chaotic and it is only Tuesday.

I worked both of my jobs yesterday and did not even get home until after 10 pm. I then had to get everything prepared for my first day of Graduate School today.

I only averaged about 5 hours of sleep last night and sadly, I did not have enough time to create a eye catching post for today.

Once again, I would like to apologize for the lack of post.

Tomorrow, The Prep Way posts will be back up and running!

Have a Safe and Warm Tuesday Everyone!

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Monday, January 18, 2016

Books on My Radar!

Happy Monday Everyone!

It's that time of the year when all of the brand movies and TV shows are premiering! Little know fact, it is one of my most favorite times of the year. It is always that time of the year when books are making their appearances on the big screen.

I am always the type of the person who would rather read the book first and then see the film/show second. 

I always want to read the book first so that I could get the full story first and then see how the film/show compares. 

Some of the books that are premiering in 2016 are:

1. The Choice by Nicholas Sparks 

In Theaters: Feb 5

I am currently reading this book. I picked it up at Target yesterday and even though I have only read the prologue, I am already addicted.

2. The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey 

In Theaters: Jan 22

I am not always a fan of the Sci-fi type stuff and for reason I just really want to see The 5th Wave. I had no idea that it was even a book, let alone a whole series. I am definitely going to be read this book second.  

3. Mortal Instruments: City of Bones by Cassandra Clare

TV Series on FREEFORM:  Jan 12

I have been knowing that The Mortal Instruments was a series for quite some time. The film version of the book City of Bones was released back in 2013. During that time I swore I was going to read the book because I was dying to see the movie. Sadly, till this day I have yet to see the movie or even finish the book. So low and behold, Freeform, previously known as ABC Family, premiered the television debut of Shadowhunter

4. How To Be Single by Liz Tuccillo 

In Theaters: Feb 12

I do not know much about this book. I just saw the trailer for the film the other night, starring Rebel Wilson, who is just utterly hilarious, and the film does look really funny. It does look like a classic chick flick so I will definitely be going to see this with my girls. 

Enjoy your Monday Everyone!
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Friday, January 15, 2016

It's Another Fabulous Friday Everyone!

Happy Friday Everyone!

We have braved the snow and cold and we survived the week!

Here is some inspiration to help get you through your day until the weekend haha 

I will be having some what of a productive weekend. I will be moving some more stuff over to my apartment and of course unpacking it. Also, I start Graduate school on Tuesday and i want to get a jump start on all of my readings for class. In addition to getting prepared for next week, I will also be catching up on some much needed sleep.

What will you be doing this weekend? Do you have any fun plans this weekend? 
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Thursday, January 14, 2016

Do You Want To Know More About Me?

It is almost the weekend everyone! we can make it!

It's been quite a while since I have done an "About Me" post. So I think we are all about due for one haha.

Here is a lovely list containing 100 different characteristics and things that describe me perfectly. 

1. Supernatural
2. Mint
3. Coral
4. Chevron
5. Blue
6. Green
7. Dogs
8. Christmas
9. Artistic
10. Books
11. Planners
12. Creative
13. Organized
14. Flowers
15. Lacrosse
16. Dinosaurs
17. Whales
18. Hair Bows
19. Clinical Psychology
20. Taste in Music
21. Comedy
22. Transformers
23. Peter Pan
24. Great Listener
25. Strawberry Lemonade
26. Chicken Broccoli Alfredo
27. Color Coding
28. Candles
29. Bucket lists
30. Cryptozoology
31. Disney's UP
32. Chicken Ranch Pizza
33. Apple Cider
34. Fries
35. Alpha Phi Omega
36. BGSU
37. Nail Polish
38. The Theory of Everything
39. Low Pro Vans
40. Pretzel M&M's
41. Mac Miller
42. iPod
43. Headphones
44. Unique Laugh
45. Family
46. Tall
47. Bowling Ball Necklace
48. The Nightmare Before Christmas
49. Johnny Depp
50. Marine Biology
51. Colors
52. Party Planning
53. Monograms
54. Extensive Movie Collection
55. Friendly
56. The Grinch
57. Walmart
58. Hobby Lobby
59. New York City
60. ABC Family's 13 Nights of Halloween
61. ABC Family's Countdown to the 25 Days of Christmas
62. ABC Family's 25 Days of Christmas
63. Super Duper Kyle
64. The Big Bang Theory
65. Hatred of Spiders
66. Decorating
67. Cranberry Juice
68. Pineapples
69. Phoenix, Arizona
70. Netflix
71. Woolly Mammoths
72. Whale Sharks
73. Singing
74. Cleveland
75. New Girl
76. Voice
77. Random Knowledge
78. Even Numbers/OCD
79. Shrimp Scampi Pizza
80. Jamming Out
81. Smile
82. Student Manager
83. The Prep Way Blog
84. Honda Cr-V
85. Perfumes
86. Surface Tablet
87. Pens
88. Night Owl
89. Winter
90. Spring
91. Erin Condren
92. Pearls
93. Baking
94. Tunics
95. Swimming
96. Textbooks
97. Funny
98. Cares for Others
99. Rainbows
100. March
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Wednesday, January 13, 2016

101 Things In 1001 Days!

I promised you all a list of the 101 things that I want to do in 1001 days!

I have seen a lot of bloggers doing this and a lot of pins on Pinterest about it and I thought why not?!

I know some of my tasks may seem simple and plan but to me, they are things that I like to do and obtainable goals for me.

Starts: January 13th 2016

Ends: October 10th 2018
(Coincidentally that is my dad's Birthday)

So without further adieu, here is my wonderful list:

1. Come up with 101 Things (1/13/2016)
2. Inspire someone else to create a 101 in 1001 list
3. Obtain my Master's in Clinical Psychology/Counseling
4. Visit 5 new cities
5. Start sending out fun and creative care packages
6. Host a Dinner Party
7. Send handwritten letters to people instead of Email
8. Adopt a Dog
9. Learn Photography
10. Continue learning German
11. Go to at least 5 concerts
12. Join a club/organization
13. Have a girl's weekend
14. Not to shop for a month
15. Send Christmas Cards
16. Go somewhere fun and exciting for my Birthday
17. Create a Address Book
18. Expand my blog
19. Attend a festival
20. Start drinking more water every day
21. Get caught up with all of my favorite shows
22. Start Meal Planning fro every week (1/6/2016)
23. Go apple picking
24. Treat my family to dinner
25. Start Volunteering
26. Start working out 3 days a week
27. Run a 5k
28. Grow something on my own
29. Be a Party Planner
30. Finally achieve my fashion "look"
31. Create art for all of the blank spaces of my apartment
32. Start doing Yoga and Meditations
33. Start doing creative and fun Date Nights
34. Read a book a month
35. Attend a show at the Theater
36. Visit all of the major Aquariums in the US (Already have seen Shedd Aquarium and Georgia Aquarium)
37. Visit the Museum of Natural History in NYC
38. Attend the Supernatural Convention in Pittsburgh, PA
39. Go to NYC and see a show on Broadway
40. Create a Budget and stick with it
41. Sign up for a library card
42. Go to a Tailgate Party
43. Attend a Alumni even at my Alma mater Bowling Green State University
44. Stop eating any and every fast food
45. Try out 3 new Restaurants
46. Learn how to paddle board
47. Grow out my hair longer
48. Organize my Pinterest boards
49. Stay current and caught up with my Class readings
50. Start a Journal
51. Reconnect with a old friend
52. Surprise my mom with flowers
53.Increase my blog views
54. Start a collection of something
55. Get a new blog design
56. Post 1 new blog post every day for a month
57. Donate Blood
58. Get straight A's for a semester
59. Go camping
60. See a TED Talk Live
61. Strictly follow a schedule for 2 months
62.Create a Inspiration/Motivation Board
63. Make a Photo Album/Scrapbook
64. Visit Universal Studios
65. Clean out my Macbook
66. Clean out my Email
67. Go Snorkeling
68. Go on a Cruise
69. Attend New Year's Eve in New York City
70. Go to a Halloween Party
71.Write a Song
72. Start writing Poetry
73. Send a letter to a Disney Character (I have no shame haha)
74. Crochet a scarf
75. Go to Disneyland and Disney World
76. Watch all of my favorite movies again
77. Crochet a blanket
78. Take another class about dinosaurs
79. Make my bed every day for 1 month
80. Collect a postcard from every state
82. Get a Pen Pal
82. Have a DIY Night
83. Blog about each completed task
84. Host a summer party
85. Celebrate 10 random and unique holidays
86. Meet my favorite Musicians
87. Listen to every song in my iTunes
88. Unsubscribe from stupid junk emails or ones I don't use anymore
89. Learn the lyrics to some of my favorite songs
90. Create the perfect study space
91. Get back to my goal weight
92. Read a book before it becomes a movie and then see it in theaters
93. Go to bed before midnight every night for a month
94. Do a Color and Glow Run
95. Paint a beautiful picture to hang on my wall
96. Over come my shyness and be more outgoing
97. Start going out more
98. Organize my jewelry collection
99. Become a mentor
100. Introduce myself to someone new
101. Finish my list of 101 Things!

What are some of the things on your Bucketlist?
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Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Thank You Everyone!

I am so sorry guys!

I know I promised that I would have a exciting post for today but I am having a difficult time trying to come up with new ideas for my new year of  blogging.

I have been doing some research and I think i finally figured out how I want to start this year off right!

I have complied a list of fun topics that I am hoping that you all will love.

To start off right, I am jumping on the 101 things in 1001 days bandwagon.

So starting tomorrow, there will be a new post containing the 101 things I want to do in 1001 days!

Stay tuned everyone and thank you for sticking with me!
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Monday, January 11, 2016

Stay Tuned...

Happy Monday and Good Morning Everyone!

I hope everyone had a great weekend! 

My weekend was filled with all sorts of craziness.

As soon as I got off work on Friday, I picked up the keys to my apartment and we immediately starting moving in. We finished moving everything that night. On Saturday I finished moving all of my other odds and ends. Saturday and Sunday were my first official nights in my apartment. 

The weekend would have gone perfect if the weather wanted to cooperate. It rained all day Friday and it was freezing, It also rained on Saturday but thank god it was warm. We had our first official winter snow yesterday and everybody in the world was out trying to go to the store to get prepared.

This coming week I am going to finish unpacking and get everything set up. My mom is going to visit this weekend and of course she will help me decorate. 

Stay tuned for tomorrow's exciting post.

Have a Happy Monday!
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Friday, January 8, 2016

Happy Fabulous Friday!

Happy Friday!

I hope that everyone is having a great Friday!

Does anyone have any fun plans this weekend?

This weekend is going to be a busy one for me.

I am moving into my first apartment by myself and I could not be more excited!

Any tips on moving?

Here's some funny pictures to help you stay motivated until you start your weekend:

3:30 can not come soon enough ...

Stay Strong Everyone! The Weekend is almost here!

Have a Happy and Safe Weekend!
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Thursday, January 7, 2016

When It's Cold Outside...

Happy Thursday Everyone!

Everyday it is getting colder and colder and I am absolutely dreading it : (

The colder it gets the more I want to stay inside.

So in honor of wanting to stay inside, I complied a list of the top 10 movies that would make staying in worth while.

The 10, by no means in any particular order, are:

1. The Theory of Everything
2. Jurassic Park
3. Peter Pan
4. UP (One of my all time favorites)
5. Remember Me (If you like romance/sad movies)
6. A Walk To Remember
7. Grease (A Classic!)
8. Harry Potter
9. Pirates of the Caribbean
10. The Notebook

Of course there are many many other amazing movies to watch!

What are some of your favorite movies to stay in and watch?
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Wednesday, January 6, 2016

I Apologize

I would like to apologize for the lack of entertaining and interesting posts.

This week has been really crazy.

I have been getting everything ready for school which starts January 19th, my mother's birthday is also on the 19th and I just recently rented my 1st apartment so I am doing a lot of packing and moving. And of course, since the Holidays are over, I am doing all of that and working full time. Bye bye free time : (.

I promise that tomorrow will be a fun post

Happy Hump Day Everyone!
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Tuesday, January 5, 2016

To Yoga or Not To Yoga?

Photo via 

As part of my New Year's Resolutions, I wanted to start the year off right by being healthy not just physically but also spiritually.

I have always been interested  in Yoga but I didnt think that it was something I could do.

Yoga has become more and more popular so why not give it a try.

Since I will be getting my own apartment soon, I would like to create a morning routine that involves working out at least 3 times a week. Winter has slowly started to take over my town so I would much rather do exercises that I could do within my own residence. 

What are your thoughts on Yoga?

Any tips for a beginner?
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Monday, January 4, 2016

My New Year's Resolutions!

Happy Monday Everyone and Happy New Year!

Since it is the beginning of the year, I thought that it would make sense to have a list of resolutions.

I never really created resolutions let alone keep them.

Since I have gotten older and more mature, I really wanted to create a list of resolutions that are practical and obtainable.

This year I would really like to:

Personal Resolutions:

1. Stay Motivated
2. Stay Productive
3. Work out at least 3 times a week and keep track
4. Join a Organization
5. Keep current on School work
6. See myself in a better and more positive light
7. Stay organized and clean
8. Be positive every day!
9. Be more outgoing 
10. Try something new
11. Start Meal Planning

Blog Resolutions:

1. Create eye catching post pictures for every post
2. Create a post Monday through Friday (and Saturdays and Sundays occasionally)
3. Keep track of new ideas
4. Keep current and consistent on The Prep Way
5. Keep current on Bloglovin' and Pinterest
6. Start and stay current on The Prep Way's Instagram

What are some of your New Year's Resolutions?
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