Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Step It Up!

It's summertime everyone.
Of course it is the time that many people are trying to get into shape.
If you are like me and have recently joined the fit bit family then you know exactly what I am talking about.
The goal of the fit bit is reach 10,000 steps a day.
Many of you know the struggle of reaching this goal, especially if you have a desk job.
Here are some way to you reach the 10,000 goal:
1. Take the stairs
- Get those extra steps in plus some extra exercise
2. Park further away
3. Take a walk on your breaks
- Enjoy your breaks and being healthy
- Maybe with a co worker or two
4. Take a walk and listen to a audiobook or podcast
- Who says that walks have to be boring?
- Go on an adventure while your walking and help keep yourself entertained. Before you know it you will have reach 10,000 steps in no time.
5. Clean your house
- Exercise while making your place sparkly clean
6. Walk your furry friend
- We all love to see a happy smile on our furry companions
What do you do to reach your 10,000 steps goal?

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