Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Be One With Yourself!

This summer I really want to work getting touch with my inner self and soul.
I proudly speak about the obstacles that I am currently dealing with.
I suffer from Anxiety and OCPD (Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder).
For those who do not know, OCPD is just like Obsessive Compulsive Disorder but without the actual compulsions and repetition. I, however, have the characteristics of someone who does have OCD.
Anxiety is basically having a constant cloud hanging over you. You have constant worry and negativity following you because you feel that you are not good enough.
This obstacles have caused me to over thinking, worry about what other people think and to not practice self care.
I always wanted everyone else to be and never paid attention to how I felt about things. I would internalize other's feelings as if they were my own, that is the empathetic side of me.
A few months ago, I started seeking help to control and anxious thoughts. I always knew of self care but I never really had the motivation or push to start practicing it.
With the help of my amazing counselor, I started to do things that I wanted to do and things that would make me feel good.
I recently took up yoga and let me just say that I have never felt better. Yoga gives me an outlet to channel out my negative energy and bring in positive vibes.
Yoga is only the beginning. There are plenty of opportunities, events and places to explore.
Life is an adventure, why let one day stop you? 
How do you find your inner peace/self?
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