Thursday, October 8, 2015

National Stop Bullying Day

Today is National Stop Bullying Day!

This day is very near and dear to my heart. Being self-conscious, African American and a Female has really helped me view how I as well as others treat their peers.

I know that I am not the only one struggling with something out the in the world and I applaud each and every one of you who are going through something or came out about it etc.

No one has the right to judge anyone else about what they are going through because they do not know. 

Bullying is a very severe and terrible act that is occurring all around us. Many use bullying to bring down others around them to make them feel worse and/or make them feel better about themselves. Bullying is used in all forms of media, on the computer, texting, basically all social media. People get bullied for being different. In modern society, to some being "different" means being:

- Homosexual
- Transexual
- Under or Over Weight
- Dressing However One Likes to Dress
- Different Skin Color
- Behavioral Disabilities
- Learning Disabilities

and so many more...

None of the things listed, as well as the ones not listed, makes anyone less different or important than another. We are all equal and deserve the same treatment and rights as everyone else in the world!

I always live by the motto "Treats Others The Way You Want To Be Treated". Just because some one has different interests, beliefs or religion etc does not make them any different than you. If I know that I am struggling with my issues and I know how it makes me feel, why make fun of someone just to feel better about myself? Words can hurt. Who ever you make fun of may not have that issue at first but your words may influence them to have that issue.

A lot of people do not want to acknowledge the fact that WORDS DO HURT! Hence, why they say the things and do the things that they do.

We all have the same organs, eyes, arms and legs. There is not anything biological or anatomical that anyone different from the next. 

I am trying to keep this short and to not be preachy, but everyone can we all please think before we act or say what  is on ur mind. Your words can negatively affect someone.

Please helps stop Bullying not just today but everyday!

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