Saturday, October 31, 2015

Have a Scary and Safe Halloween Everyone!

The spookiest night of the year is FINALLY here!

All the ghosts, ghouls and goblins will come out tonight and all of the kiddies will be wearing extremely creative costumes to get yummy candy.

There are so many frightening and horrifyingly fun activities going on today for all ages.

From trick-or-treating, trunk-or-treat, costume parties or even just staying home and watching scary movies. There is something for everyone.

All I ask is that if you all do go out tonight, please, please, please be safe and make smart choices. Stay in well lit ares, stay in groups, do not go off alone, and beware of strangers or those acting abnormal.

Stay Safe and Happy Halloween Everyone!

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Monday, October 26, 2015

It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!

Happy National Pumpkin Day!

National Pumpkin Day is celebrated annually on October 26th. On this day, people enjoy pumpkin bread, cookies, flavored drinks, soups and so much more. I, myself, am not a big fan of the taste of pumpkin but that won't stop me from celebrating.

Fun Fact: 1.5 billion pounds of pumpkins are produced in the United States each year.

Celebrate National Pumpkin Day by carving a pumpkin just in time for Halloween Night!

13 Nights of Halloween Line Up:

5:30 pm - Sleepy Hollow
9 pm - Toy Story Tower of TERROR!
9:30 pm - The Nightmare Before Christmas
12 am - Frankenweenie

Disney Channel Monster Line Up:

3 am - Mom's Got a Date with a Vampire
5:30 pm - Toy Story Tower of TERROR!
6 pm - Halloweentown
7:35 pm - Halloweentown II: Kalabar's Revenge
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Sunday, October 25, 2015

It's Sunday!

Happy Sunday Everyone!

Before I am off to church, I of course feel that it is only appropriate to post today's Halloween Line Up!

13 Nights of Halloween Line Up:

7 am - ParaNorman
9 am - Corpse Bride
11 am - The Nightmare Before Christmas
12:30 pm - Casper
2:30 pm - The Addams Family
4:30 pm - Addams Family Values
6:30 pm - Toy Story of TERROR!
7 pm - Monsters University
9:45 pm - Hocus Pocus

Disney Channel Monstober:

3 am - Phantom of The Megaplex!
(One of my all time favorite Disney Channel Original Movies!)
9 pm - Toy Story of TERROR!

Have a great Sunday everyone!

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Saturday, October 24, 2015

Saturday Halloween TV Schedule!

Have a Happy and Safe Saturday Lovelies!

Halloween is in exactly ONE week!

Here are some shows and movies to help you get and stay in the Halloween mood!

13 Nights of Halloween Line Up:

7 am - Matilda
9 am - ParaNorman
11 am - Tim Burton's Corpse Bride
1 pm - Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas
2:30 pm - Casper
4:30 pm - The Addams Family
6:30 pm - Addams Family Values
8:30 pm - Monster's University
11 pm - Toy Story of TERROR!
11:30 pm - Hocus Pocus

Disney Channel Monster Line Up:

3 am - The Scream Team
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Friday, October 23, 2015

Friday Check-In!

Happy Friday Everyone!

This is a new weekly topic that I would like to experiment with and see how you all feel about it. I feel that doing a weekly check in allows for the reader to have an insight into my life, interests and daily activities. 

Well, without further adieu, Here is the Check-In #1:

Layers! Since the weather is becoming chilly, it is time to pull out my leggings, button up tops and scarves. Winter will be here before we know it and I am so ready for it!

I am a sucker for playlists. My iTunes library alone has over 5000 songs so I listen to A LOT of music. If I had to pick a current song, I would definitely say "Hold My Hand" by Jess Glynne.

I am currently reading a the 5th novel in the Supernatural Book Series. The book is titled The Unholy Cause. I am only on the 8th chapter but it is actually a really good read. 

I absolutely LOVE Scream Queens on FOX. It is so addifctingand has the right amount of suspense and humor. Now it may not be for those who are easily scared or for the literal. But trust me, this show definitely keeps you guessing who the Red Devil is...

Reading, Cleaning, Watching TV and now working 2 jobs at Charming Charlie and The Quicken Loans Arena.

I love watching the leaves change color and fall to the ground. It is always so pretty to see all of the different shades and hues of the trees. The changing of the leaves also means that soon the trees will regenerate with new leaves and thus signifies a new beginning.

I absolutely hate not owning enough long sleeve light weight tops. Since the weather is still in that between stage of sometimes being warm and sometimes being chilly that I don't have the right tops without being too much or too little. It is always such a struggle because on the days when it is sunny enough that the temperature is about 70, I don't always want to wear a tank top and sweater, which then limits my wardrobe. When it is cold, all I have are long sleeved sweaters and heavy tops. OF course when the days are in between, I have absolutely nothing to wear without having to wear layers. Does anyone else feel my pain?

I really wish it was Thanksgiving. One, because of the delicious food that my family makes and two, because it is when we find out who we get for our Secret Santa!

This may be weird and I do not know why but I am honestly craving fruit snacks right now.

13 Nights of Halloween Line Up:

5:30 pm - Hunger Games
8:30 pm - Sleepy Hollow
12 am - Matilda

Disney Monstober Line Up:

3 am - Now You See It
3:30 pm - Twitches Too
6 pm - "MAL-OWEEN" Marathon of Liv & Maddie
- also: Presentation of Descendants, Descendants: Set It Off! and Descendants: Wicked World

What do you all think about my new segment?
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Thursday, October 22, 2015

It's A Beautiful Day

Happy National Color Day!

National Color Day is a day for everyone to be thankful for living in a colorful nation. This day was created as a day to celebrate and learn how colors can influence our moods, productivity and behaviors.

Color brings so many people joy, happiness and energy.
However, as we all know, it is very difficult to pick just one color with so many beautiful colors out there in the world. Haha, why do you think it is so hard to pick just one specific shade to paint a room?

Fun Facts: My favorite colors are Coral, Blue and Mint.

Did You Know That?:

Red can mean Excitement, Strength or Love.
Yellow can mean Happiness or Competence.
Green can mean Good Taste, Envy and even Relaxation.
Blue can mean Corporate or High Quality.
Pink can mean Sophistication or Sincerity.
Violet/Purple can mean Authority or Power.
Brown can mean Ruggedness.
Black can mean Grief or Fear.
White can mean Happiness or Purity.

“The purest and most thoughtful minds are those which love color the most.”
- John Ruskins

What are some of your favorite things about this beautiful nation of ours?

13 Nights of Halloween Line Up:

4 pm - The Addams Family
6 pm - Addams Family Values
8 pm - The Hunger Games
12 am - I Still Know What You Did Last Summer

Disney Monstober Line Up:

5:20 pm - Twitches
7 pm - Twitches Too

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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Some Of The Best Halloween Movies!

Halloween is one of the best holidays of the year! It gives everyone a reason to put on different outfits, get candy and decorate to fit the spooky night! One of the greatest things about Halloween is watching all of the different festive movies.

Here are just some of the popular, spooky and family friendly Halloween movies out there:

NEW 13 Nights of Halloween Line Up:

5 pm - Casper
7 pm - The Addams Family
9 pm - Addams Family Values
12 am - I Know What You Did Last Summer

NEW Disney Monstober Line Up:

3 am - Mostly Ghostly 2
7 pm - Twitches

What are some of your favorite Halloween Movies?
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Tuesday, October 20, 2015

A Brand New Day!

Happy Tuesday!

It's a new day of movies and shows folks!

It is only the 2nd day of the ABC Family's 13 Nights of Halloween and there is still so much more to see!

Tonight's schedule consists of:

4 pm - Tim Burton's Corpse Bride
6 pm - Hocus Pocus
9 pm - NEW Stitchers 2015 Halloween Special
12 am - Casper

Remember to keep checking back every day to see the new schedule!

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Monday, October 12, 2015

An Amazing 13 Nights!

ABC Family's 13 Nights Of Halloween is finally beginning tonight!

This means that it is officially the start of my favorite time of the year. Beginning with the 13 Nights of Halloween all the way till New Year's is my absolute most favorite parts of the year. 

I wait all year for the schedule of this great TV event to be published and when it finally is, I squeal like a little girl haha. I wait all year for their Countdown to the 25 Days of Christmas as well as the 25 Days of Christmas Schedule to be posted. 

Once I have the schedule, I always type it up, make it festive and send it to my mother and sister who love it just as much as I do. 

Starting tonight, the schedule is:

1:30 pm - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows : Part 1
5 pm - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows : Part 2
9 pm - Hocus Pocus
12 am - Tim Burton's Corpse Bride

Who also waits all year for these frightening nights of movies?

Also: Check back every day for a list of showings for that day!
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Thursday, October 8, 2015

National Stop Bullying Day

Today is National Stop Bullying Day!

This day is very near and dear to my heart. Being self-conscious, African American and a Female has really helped me view how I as well as others treat their peers.

I know that I am not the only one struggling with something out the in the world and I applaud each and every one of you who are going through something or came out about it etc.

No one has the right to judge anyone else about what they are going through because they do not know. 

Bullying is a very severe and terrible act that is occurring all around us. Many use bullying to bring down others around them to make them feel worse and/or make them feel better about themselves. Bullying is used in all forms of media, on the computer, texting, basically all social media. People get bullied for being different. In modern society, to some being "different" means being:

- Homosexual
- Transexual
- Under or Over Weight
- Dressing However One Likes to Dress
- Different Skin Color
- Behavioral Disabilities
- Learning Disabilities

and so many more...

None of the things listed, as well as the ones not listed, makes anyone less different or important than another. We are all equal and deserve the same treatment and rights as everyone else in the world!

I always live by the motto "Treats Others The Way You Want To Be Treated". Just because some one has different interests, beliefs or religion etc does not make them any different than you. If I know that I am struggling with my issues and I know how it makes me feel, why make fun of someone just to feel better about myself? Words can hurt. Who ever you make fun of may not have that issue at first but your words may influence them to have that issue.

A lot of people do not want to acknowledge the fact that WORDS DO HURT! Hence, why they say the things and do the things that they do.

We all have the same organs, eyes, arms and legs. There is not anything biological or anatomical that anyone different from the next. 

I am trying to keep this short and to not be preachy, but everyone can we all please think before we act or say what  is on ur mind. Your words can negatively affect someone.

Please helps stop Bullying not just today but everyday!

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Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Spooky Night Of Premieres!

Happy Hump Day Everyone!

What better way to spend this humdrum day with a night of fun fall premieres?

Tonight at 9 pm Supernatural: Season 11 premieres on The CW!

Also, Tonight at 10 pm American Horror Story: Hotel premieres on FX!

Now I do not know about you all but I am absolutely pumped to watch these premieres. Supernatural seriously controls my life and is my all time favorite obsessions. I am almost finished watching all of Seasons 9 and 10. Believe me when I say that I will be glued to my television at 9 o'clock.

However, American Horror is a little tricky for me. I tried to watch the first season, Murder House, and it was just a little too weird for me. For some strange reason I want to want the second season which is Asylum. Ironically, I majored in Psychology but there is just something about Asylums that creep me out. I am honestly so excited to watch season 5, Hotel, that I will be tuning in to see what it is all about.

Are you going to tune in?
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Tuesday, October 6, 2015

13 Reasons Why I Love Halloween

I am sure that everyone has their favorite reasons as to why they love Halloween. 

Since it is now the month for ghosts and ghouls to appear, I thought it would begun to share some of my favorite reasons to love the Festive Holiday!

1. Pumpkin Everything
2. Halloween Movies and Themed TV Shows 
3. Decorations
4. Of course, Yummy Candy
5. Cute and Creative Costumes
6. Carving Pumpkins
7. Witches, Goblins and Ghouls
8. ABC Family's 13 Nights of Halloween
9. Scary Ghost Stories
10. Festive Theme Parties
11. All Hallow's Eve
12. Conquering One's Fears
13. Cedar Point Hallow Weekends
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Monday, October 5, 2015

National Do Something Nice Day

Good Monday Lovelies!

As you can tell by my picture, today is National Do Something Nice Day.

Now this does not mean to go out of your way to do anything and everything for every person. If you are the type of person that takes pride in that, then all power to you and I support you.

This day means that you can do anytime nice for anyone. 

Some possible ideas could be:

- Help your neighbor carry in groceries
- Help carry one's trash cans to or from the curb
- Help someone cross the street
- Give someone a compliment or encouragement
- Offer your seat up to someone
- Pick something for someone who dropped it 
(I am sure that we are all guilty of this at some point)
- Hold the door open for someone

and so much more....

The smallest act of kindness could make someone's whole day. You never know who may just need that gesture or compliment to help lift their spirits and/or get them through their day.

What are some acts of kindness do you perform?
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Friday, October 2, 2015

Have a Passion For Reading?

I absolutely love reading.

It gives me such a feeling of wonder and adventure that helps boost my creativity.

As a little girl, I always had my nose between the pages of a book. Still to this day, I would not be caught dead without a book.

Reading takes your mind to places you could never dream of.

I knew that I loved reading so much that when my mother took me to the Book Loft, I was in heaven.

I mean really, look at how cute and quaint this shop is. 

This wonderful establishment has over 30 different themed rooms full of books! You would never be able to tell how big tis place is from the outside.

Sports, Gardening, Coking, you name it, they have it! This place is so big that you need a map to go through it (not even kidding).

I ended up walking out of there with 5 books! I definitely cannot wait to go back and browse some more.

If you are ever in the Columbus, OH area, you should definitely stop by the Book Loft.

Have a Happy and Safe Weekend Everyone!
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Thursday, October 1, 2015

October Is Here!

Happy October Everyone!

All Hallows Eve is upon us and soon we will be seeing Halloween/Fall Decorations in every store and home!

This is one of my most favorite times of the year because some many people get creative with their decorations ad it is always such a great sight to see.

I do not care if I am 22 haha, I will never be too old for Halloween. Trick or Treating, definitely, but not Halloween!

It's that time of the year for halloween themed commercials to air on tv and soon they will be Christmas ones before you know it!

P.S Stay tuned this month for posts containing the ABC Family 13 Nights of Halloween Schedule!

What are some things that you love about October?
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