Monday, August 17, 2015

My Guilty Pleasures!

Happy Monday Everyone!

I am not ashamed to admit my guilty pleasures. They are apart of what makes me me. When I actually think about it, my guilty pleasures are actually pretty funny.

My Guilty Pleasures Are:

1. I absolutely LOVE Kettle Corn!
2. People Watching
3. I love watching movie trailers
4. I eat my foods on my plate one food at a time
5. I always have a routine for everything
6. I separate by candies, such as M & M's, by color
7. Watching shows about extreme life problems like Obsessed and My Strange Addiction
8. I love washing my hair
9. Drinking cold milk in my "hot" chocolate
10. Honestly, I still love boybands

What are some of your guilty pleasures?
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