Monday, August 31, 2015

Gotta Love Bucketlists!

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Happy Monday Lovelies!!

Who doesn't love making lists? 

I absolutely adore them!!

This past year I have started creating a life bucketlist.

For those who do not know, a bucketlist is a list of events, projects, milestones, etc that you wish to achieve by a certain point in time.

Some things that you could include on your list is:
- Getting Married 
- Attending University
- Read "x" amount of books
- Sky Diving
- Travel to a specific location
- Own your own home
- Attempt or Finish a Project

Now these are just a few things because there are endless possibilities.

Some things that are on my bucket list are:

- To see a Whale Shark 
(Which I have done this summer)
- Travel to London
-Travel to Germany
(FACT: I know German)
- Actually be caught up on all of my favorite tv shows
- Obtain my PhD in Psychology
- Own/Decorate my own home

What are some things that are on your bucketlist?
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