Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Going Back To School Is Awesome!

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It is that time of the year again!! I am sure that everyone could tell based on all of the new back to school commercials. I ave always loved back to school shopping and starting a new school year. I know so many of you are dreading going back to school but here are some positive things to look forward to:

1. New School Supplies

Who doesn't love getting new school supplies? Getting fresh new notebooks in your favorite colors? I have always been obsessed with getting new school supplies. I am the type of person who color coordinates the color of the notebooks with each class. When I was younger, I used to love getting everything Lisa Frank! 

2. Making New Friends

Whether you are going to a new school or at the same one, you can always make new friends. You never know who you may meet or what will happen. All it takes is sitting next someone new and you never know, you may become best friends!

3. New Teachers

New Teachers are always a interesting topic when going back to school. Every teacher has a reputation and of course everyone wants the "cool" teacher(s). Even if a teacher is labeled as being mean or tough does not mean that they really are that way. Remember that it is just a label. As I always say "kill them with kindness". Just make sure to apply yourself and do the best you can and I am sure you will be on any teacher's good side.

4. New Material

If you are like me, I would be bored to death of learning the same material over and over. That is one thing that I love about starting a new school year. Not only is it new material that can interest and challenge you but there may be new teaching methods as well. It is always exciting to learn something new to keep your brain sharp.

5. New Environments 

As I stated before, whether it is a new school, new seat, new classroom or what have you should not intimidate you from starting school. You never know what may happen in your new surroundings. Sometimes you may be placed into a entirely new classroom or building and it may be freighting but make sure to keep your head up and stay confident.

Feel free to share why you love or dislike starting a new school year!

Here's to a Happy, Healthy and Safe New School Year!
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