Monday, February 1, 2016

How To Stay Sharp & Focused!

Happy Monday Everyone!
Obviously, today's post is about staying focused!
I know that we are all getting of losing focus and attention every now and then.
I especially am very guilty of losing focus. My weeks are start out great and I am very productive but as it drags on, I tend to lose more and more focus.
I know that at times we all have trouble paying attention and focusing. 
Here are some tips to help you stay focused:
1. NO Distractions
The less distractions, the more you will focus and pay attention.
2. Eat Well
Breakfast is a great way to start out day. Pus it also gives your brain and your body the energy it needs to start the day.
3. Sleep Well Too
Averaging 6 to 8 hours of sleep a night is necessary in order for your body to recharge. The more sleep you have, the better you while feel in the morning. Also, the more awake you are, the more likely you are to focus and pay attention.
4. Be Prepared
Be prepared for whatever your day may bring. Whether you are going to work or to class, make sure to always your essentials.
5. Organize Your Day
Plan your day out. Schedule everything in your day out to see exactly how much time each task needs and where you have breaks.
6. Apply your knowledge and use common sense
This one is a given but always always use common sense and apply yourself. Nothing is ever handed to you. If you go to school, you are there to learn and enhance your knowledge. If you go to work, you are there to develop career skills, networking and of course money. You should use all skills, tools and resources necessary to help you progress.
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