Sunday, November 6, 2016

I'm Back!!

Hello Everyone!!

I am finally back! 

My life has been super crazy with working and going to school full time. 

Stay tuned till tomorrow for a brand new exciting post!

Happy Sunday!
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Monday, June 27, 2016

Celebrate, Good Times, Come On'!

Even though I am a bit late, last Friday, June 24th, 2016 marked this first yea of The Prep Way blog.
Even though this blog is still a creation in the making, I am still extremely proud of how far we have come.
Within the next few months I am going to starting working on transforming The Prep Way so stay tuned!!
Here's to another year!
Happy Monday everyone!
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Thursday, June 23, 2016

Hydrate Yourself!

You gotta stay hydrated!
Did you know that our bodies are 60% water?
Did you also know about all of the benefits of drinking water?:
- It helps regulate our body temperatures
- It helps keep our skin from getting excessively
- It helps to alleviate reoccurring headaches
- Also, it helps replenish the water in our bodies when we sweat...
It is very important that we all stay hydrated especially during the extremely hot Summer months.
How do you stay hydrated?
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Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Breathe and Relax!

I read a daily mantra/meditation book when I get up in the morning.
Majority of the time the meditations/mantras really speak to me.
Today's mantra was too real for words.
"Slow down and relax" 
This quote was so real to me because normally, my mind is going a mile a minute.
This trait of mine goes hand in hand with my Anxiety.
I worry about everything and it causes me to stress myself out.
Taking the time to slow down and breathe can really help one to think clearly and relieve stress.
Through the practice of self care, I have started to take five minute breaks where I would just close my eyes and focus on my breathing.
This technique has helped me to calm down during stressful times and when I feel like I cannot get my thoughts in order.
I know this is a bit of a long and jumbled post but I just felt like I needed to share that little tidbit and who knows, someone else might have needed to hear that as well.
What quotes or phrases speak to you?
Have a great Tuesday Lovelies!
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Monday, June 20, 2016

Hang In There!

Happy Monday Everyone!

Today is a wonderful yet tiring day.

The Cleveland Cavaliers, my hometown NBA Team, won the 2016 NBA Championship!!!

It has been a busy weekend for everyone I'm sure.

Sadly, it is Monday and everyone has to get back to the grind.

I'm sure we all could you a little pick me up to start our weeks off right!

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Sunday, June 19, 2016

Dad, It's Your Day!

Happy Father's Day to all of the dads out there!!!

Even though dads get one day a year, they should be celebrated every day!

I am define rely a daddy's girl and I forever will be.

I will always be his grasshopper.

How are you all spending Father's Day?
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Thursday, June 16, 2016

Stay Tuned...

Happy Thursday Everyone!
There is not going to be a usual post today.
I know, very sad news...
I have been working over time for the last month and due to me pushing myself so hard, I contracted a head cold.
I am going to take the day off and just rest in bed.
Stay tuned for tomorrow's exciting post!
Have a great day everybody!

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Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Get Your Stretch On!

Everyone around this time of year wants to be beach body ready.
I am not one of those people. This summer, all I care about is being healthy physically, mentally and emotionally. As long as I am happy and feel good then it will be a great summer.
Obviously, being healthy does not only mean eating healthy. You also have exercise your body.
It is very important to work out at least 3 times a week, but it does not have to be anything extremely active.
There are plenty of activities that one can to do to work out and still have fun. For example, taking a walk with your best friends, going swimming, doing yoga, running & playing with your children. The opportunities are endless.
Since I am a person of habit, I want to create a stick with a work out regime that would help me more active but also relieve stress.
My ideal workout regime is:
Mon - Work Out : Elliptical
Tues - YOGA
Wens - Work Out : Cycle
Thurs - YOGA
Fri - Work Out - Treadmill
I feel that doing yoga between the more active workouts can help stretch out your body to relieve tension and soreness but also prevent the possible of any injuries. Stretching is always important before doing any type of exercise. You must prepare you body for the activity.
Doing yoga between the periods of exercising is a great way to cool down, focus yourself and give your body time to rest, relax and recuperate.
How are you staying healthy this Summer?
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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Be One With Yourself!

This summer I really want to work getting touch with my inner self and soul.
I proudly speak about the obstacles that I am currently dealing with.
I suffer from Anxiety and OCPD (Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder).
For those who do not know, OCPD is just like Obsessive Compulsive Disorder but without the actual compulsions and repetition. I, however, have the characteristics of someone who does have OCD.
Anxiety is basically having a constant cloud hanging over you. You have constant worry and negativity following you because you feel that you are not good enough.
This obstacles have caused me to over thinking, worry about what other people think and to not practice self care.
I always wanted everyone else to be and never paid attention to how I felt about things. I would internalize other's feelings as if they were my own, that is the empathetic side of me.
A few months ago, I started seeking help to control and anxious thoughts. I always knew of self care but I never really had the motivation or push to start practicing it.
With the help of my amazing counselor, I started to do things that I wanted to do and things that would make me feel good.
I recently took up yoga and let me just say that I have never felt better. Yoga gives me an outlet to channel out my negative energy and bring in positive vibes.
Yoga is only the beginning. There are plenty of opportunities, events and places to explore.
Life is an adventure, why let one day stop you? 
How do you find your inner peace/self?
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Monday, June 13, 2016

A Summer Full of Symbols!

Who else loves summer?!
How can you not love the shining sun, warmer temperatures and course all of the colorful and fun symbols of summer.
You know it is summer when you see these symbols.
I absolutely love pineapples.
Not only are they delicious and healthy to eat, they are also make very cute accents and decorations.

Of course it can not be summer without your favorite pair of sunglasses.
Gotta block out the UV Rays!

I also adore flamingos. The pink of their feathers always makes any sunny day pop!

Daises have become a current craze. You can find daises on just about any type of clothing and decoration. Can you say Flower Power?
What are some of your favorite staples of summer?

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Friday, June 10, 2016

Get Your Shades On!

Everyone know that I LOVE nail polish.
I paint my nails at least once a week.
I know that I am not the only one who gets excited when the see nail polish.
Since it is summer, I want to wear some bright and funky colors that would stand out in the sun.
Here are some shades that are perfect for the summer:
Berried Treasure
Go for an adventure and a discover a ruby red treasure.
Hiking Heels
Wear this red and you will be hotter than scorching lava.

Loot the Booty
Be as bright as a blazing blue sapphire.

Mint Candy Apple
The perfect shade of tiffany blue and mint.

Going Guru
The perfect mixture of mint and lime.

Garden Variety
A nice deep shade of teal.
What shades will you be rockin' this summer?

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Thursday, June 9, 2016

It's Going To Be A Eventful Summer!

Happy Thursday Everyone!

It is finally summer and I am ready to explore and go on an adventure.

I do not know about you but I do not want to sit around my house this summer.

I want to get out a do fun things and experience the world.

I have created a bucketlist of reasonable and fun things that I am going to do this summer

Take a look:

- Lose 15 pounds
- Become more motivated
- Boost my confidence
- Travel to a new location that I have never been before
- Get caught up on my shows and books
- Meet new people
- Transform my blog
- Reach my 10,000 steps a day goal
- Learn something new

What are some fun things that you are planning to do this summer?

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Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Step It Up!

It's summertime everyone.
Of course it is the time that many people are trying to get into shape.
If you are like me and have recently joined the fit bit family then you know exactly what I am talking about.
The goal of the fit bit is reach 10,000 steps a day.
Many of you know the struggle of reaching this goal, especially if you have a desk job.
Here are some way to you reach the 10,000 goal:
1. Take the stairs
- Get those extra steps in plus some extra exercise
2. Park further away
3. Take a walk on your breaks
- Enjoy your breaks and being healthy
- Maybe with a co worker or two
4. Take a walk and listen to a audiobook or podcast
- Who says that walks have to be boring?
- Go on an adventure while your walking and help keep yourself entertained. Before you know it you will have reach 10,000 steps in no time.
5. Clean your house
- Exercise while making your place sparkly clean
6. Walk your furry friend
- We all love to see a happy smile on our furry companions
What do you do to reach your 10,000 steps goal?

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Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Are You Ready To Binge?

Now that it is summer, I finally have free time to not only catch up on my favorite TV shows but to also watch some new ones.

Here are some of my favorite shows that I cannot wait to get caught up and some new shows that on my show radar:


One of my all time favorite shows.

If you love motherly bonds, supernatural beings and sarcastic humor, then this is the show for you.

Gossip Girl

I have yet to start this show but I have heard many great things about it. Drama, love and fashion. 

What more could a girl ask for?

That 70's Show

I have always loved this show. It can always crack me up with their witty and sarcastic comments. 

One of the greatest bunch of friends ever. 

It will make you wish that they were your friends. 

New Girl

Who's that girl? It's Jess!

Another of one of my absolute favorite shows.

Zooey Deschanel is witty, quirky and full of references.

This humor of this show, however extremely relatable,  can always put you in a better mood. 

The Mindy Project

I just started watching this show and I am already in love.

Mindy is witty, full of references and confident.

Not to mention, the men in this show are extremely good looking.

Mindy Kaling is  definitely my spirit animal.

What is on your bing watch list this summer?

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Monday, June 6, 2016

Summer Reading!

I absolutely love to read. I carry a book with me all the time just in case I have some down time or want a little escape.
There are so many movies that are coming out or have been out that I want to see. IT kills me because the look so good but I am the type of person who wants to read the book first before watching the movie.
Here are some great books to read this summer:
These are all books that I am reading currently : )

 Louisa Clark is an ordinary girl living an exceedingly ordinary life—steady boyfriend, close family—who has barely been farther afield than their tiny village. She takes a badly needed job working for ex–Master of the Universe Will Traynor, who is wheelchair bound after an accident. Will has always lived a huge life—big deals, extreme sports, worldwide travel—and now he’s pretty sure he cannot live the way he is.

She is a wealthy Negro aristocrat living in Jim Crow America. He is a Jewish lawyer who fled Nazi Germany. When Justinia and Julius meet at an NAACP convention, they defy family and societal expectations and change each other’s lives forever. Their story, told in alternating viewpoints with insightful wit and humor, reveals their experiences involving race and class and the sacrifices they make while living and surviving the turbulent 1930s.

 Travis Parker has everything a man could want: a good job, loyal friends, even a waterfront home in small-town North Carolina. In full pursuit of the good life - boating, swimming , and regular barbecues with his good-natured buddies -- he holds the vague conviction that a serious relationship with a woman would only cramp his style. That is, until Gabby Holland moves in next door. Spanning the eventful years of young love, marriage and family,
(The synopsis of each book is from
What is on your reading list this summer?
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Thursday, June 2, 2016

Summer 2016 Jams!

It's Summer Everyone!

I am back in action!!

To kick off the Summer I just wanted to share some tunes that have been bumping through my speakers lately:

- Missin' You - The Summer Set
- UGH! - The 1975
- Unconditional - Kehlani
- Middle - DJ Snake
- Alive - Kehlani
- Disappearing Act- The Ready Set
- All My Friends - The Summer Set
- Good Enough - The Ready Set
- Love Will Find You - Kris Allen
- Work - Rihanna
- Be Alright - Ariana Grande

I will have a post soon about the different songs that put me in the mood for Summer, the beach and sunshine!

What songs are you loving right now?
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Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Happy National Paranormal Day!

Welcome back everyone!!

I know I have been gone for quite a while but I am finally back!!

Graduate school is finally winding down so I have more time to devote to The Prep Way!

A perfect start to a beautiful month!

To kick off the month, today is National Paranormal Day!

In honor of all of all the spookiness and unusual in the world, today is the perfect day to celebrate. 

I am a very skeptical person. I believe in most things cryptozoology can and paranormal. I am that person that believes in Big Foot, The Loch Ness Monster, Ghosts and so much more. 

To celebrate today, I am going to binge watch my favorite show: Supernatural. 

What things are you skeptical about?
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