Monday, November 30, 2015

What To Look Forward To In The Last Chapter Of The Year?

Tomorrow starts the beginning of the last chapter of the year. If you have been reading my other posts, or if you are new to my blog, you should all know that I absolutely love Christmas. It is honestly my most favorite time of the year. You all have no idea how excited I am for December 1st.

There are so many fun things to look forward to in December, while except the cold and snow, unless you are into that sort of thing.

Some things to look forward to in December are:

1. Freshly Fallen Snow
2. Houses light up with lights and decorations
3. Decorating your Christmas Tree
4. All of the Christmas Movies, Themed Apparel and Gifts
5. The oh so catchy Christmas Music
6. Of course, the ABC Family's 25 Days of Christmas
(P.S stay tuned to a daily schedule of what is premiering every day)

There are so many more things to look forward to and trust me, I could go on and on about the Christmas season.

If you would like to know some more great and fun things about the Month of December and Christmas Time, stay tuned because there will be a new post every day.

What are some fun things that you look forward to in December?
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1000 Page Views!!

Oh my goodness, over a thousand pageviews!

Thank you everyone who loves to read my page and put up with my randomly themed and sporadic posts!

It really means a lot to me that all of you have read my posts and have had enough interest in the things I talk about to keep coming back!

I am still very new to the blog world, but the fact that all of you have checked in to my blog multiple times really makes me want to keep creating posts.

Since it is almost December (hint hint wink wink, it's tomorrow!) stayed tuned to a month full of fun and creative posts!

Once again, thank you all and I love each and every one of you!

Have a Happy Monday Lovelies! 
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Friday, November 27, 2015

Black Friday Shenanigans!

It's Black Friday!

The most wonderful time of the year!

It's that one time of year where some of the best deals and sales are going on in-store and online!

If you do go out today, please be careful and safe because as we all know, people tend to get competitive, crazy and just plain insane on Black Friday 

This is my goal is to go to Old Navy, Charming Charlie's and maybe Barnes and Nobles. We will see how this all plays out haha.

Do you and your family go out for Black Friday?

If so, where are some of your favorite stores to go to?
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Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving Lovelies!

I hope you all have a wonderful and fun filled day with your families and friends. 

Let us all be thankful on this beautiful day.
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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Gobble, Gobble! It's Almost Turkey Day!

Who is excited for Thanksgiving tomorrow? I am!!

I love Thanksgiving and spending time with my family.

No don't get me wrong, getting ready for Thanksgiving is absolutely crazy and insane, but in the end, it really is all worth it.

In my family, we definitely have some annual traditions.

Every year, it is up to my mother, sister and I to come up with yummy and fun Thanksgiving desserts. This year I am making mini Apple Pie Bites.

Of course, Thanksgiving Day could never be complete without watching the oh so amazing Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. We watch it every year while we are cooking and baking. I am not sure why, but there is just something magical about watching the parade. (Fun Fact: I've attended the Macy's Day Parade, it was awesome!) My mother's favorite part about the parade is a the end when Santa makes his grand appearance and brings the whole show together. I just love seeing all of the colorful and different floats and of course, the musical guest stars!

A new tradition that we have been doing the last few years is Secret Santa. Due to the fact that my family is SO large, we do Secret Santa to make it easier on everyone financially. I cannot wait to pick a name. Whoever I get this year is definitely in for some goodies. Thanks to Pinterest, I have so many great ideas for Christmas gifts.

My all time favorite part of Thanksgiving is when my whole family gets together. We are all loud and crazy and trust me, it is never a dull moment in my family.

What are some of your family's Thanksgiving Traditions?
How are you spending your Thanksgiving?
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Friday, November 20, 2015

It's Another Friday Check In!

Happy Friday Everyone!

I promise that next Friday there will finally be a post picture for my weekly check in!

I can see that quite a few of you all really like my first Friday Check In and due to that, we will continue the trend!

This Week I am:


Lately I have been wearing scarves. I honestly love infinity scarves and all of the different patterns that they come in. They are so easy to accessorize any outfit with and can make any outfit cute.


For the last 2 weeks there have been so many new songs and CD's dropping and it is so hard to keep track. But, some of my favorite songs right now are:

1. One Love & This Means War by Marianas Trench
2. Sorry, I'll Show You & Love Your Self by Justin Bieber
3. Monaco by MKTO
4. Close to You & Sincerely Me by Artist Vs. Poet

Also, Of course, CHRISTMAS MUSIC!


I am currently not reading anything. : (


I am still watching and loving Scream Queens. Sadly, I am 2 weeks behind but I am still a true and die hard fan. I have heard so many juicy snippets and info about the storyline and I cannot wait to get caught up. Those of you who do watch it, keep in mind that the show will be having their season finale very soon.


Honestly, I am just working 2 jobs. I have completed my second successful week at my full time job as well as working at the Quicken Loans Arena. Since it is also the Holiday Season, I am also trying to plan and organizing the Holidays as well as what to get everyone for Christmas.


I just love this time of year. After Halloween all the way through New Year's Eve is the most wonderful time of the year! (Andy Williams hint hint)


All of the senseless violence in the world.


I wish that Christmas would hurry up. We decorated our house yesterday and I just seriously cannot wait.


There is honestly nothing that I want.

Do any of you all wish Christmas would hurry up and come?

Also, Have a Happy and Safe Weekend Everyone! (Enjoy the snow if you have it)
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Thursday, November 19, 2015

How To Avoid Getting Sick This Season

It's that time of the year again. The constant changing weather and it seems like everyone around you has a cold. I am right smack dab in the middle of both of those situations. Everyone around me is getting sick right now and I am going to try my absolute hardest to not get sick. Sadly, with all of my attempts, over the last 3 days I have started showing signs of a cold. Me being determined, went out and bought all the cold necessities. I am going to beat this haha.

Here are some of the most helpful hints to help avoid getting a cold or fight against your current cold:

1. Always wash your hands (if not, use Purell)
2. Cover your nose and mouth when sneezing and/or coughing
3. Try your absolute hardest to not touch your face, mouth or nose with your hands.
- This can increase the spread of germs.
4. Sanitize your area of work as well as utensils
Such as:
- Desk
- Computer
- Writing Utensils
5. Take the correct medication at the first sign of symptoms (Nip it in the bud)
6. Get as much rest as you possibly can
7. Drink plenty of foods
8. Possibly take a Daily Vitamin
9. If you or another is sick, limit your personal contact
10. If need be, if your symptoms do not go away or worsen, PLEASE see a doctor as soon as you can.

I know all of these things may seem like common sense but but we all neglect at least one if not some of these when we are sick. 

This post really struck my interest because there is something going around at my place of work that is literally going from desk to desk. I kid you not, it is like a domino effect, just one after another.

The constant changing weather is also not helping anyone get better.

How do you all combat sickness? I would love to hear what you all have to say.

Happy Thursday Everyone!
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Wednesday, November 18, 2015


Happy Hump Day! 

Also, It's Mickey Mouse's Birthday Everyone!

If knowing that doesn't get you out of your mid week slump, then I don't know what will. 

On this day, in 1928. Mickey Mouse made his grand debut.

Now I may not be the biggest Mickey Mouse fan, I am more of a Goofy girl myself, I still find him absolutely adorable.

What are some of your favorite Disney characters and why?

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Tuesday, November 17, 2015

What's Your Take On Tattoos?

How many of you all have tattoos or want to get tattoos?

I'm highly considering getting a tattoo but I am also nervous about how much it may hurt. 

I have always wanted to get a tattoo but I could never settle on a exact design that I absolutely loved. 

After months of searching, I have finally reached some designs that I really love and cannot wait to get done.

I really want to get a Unalome (see below) tattooed on the outside of my right ankle, just above the ankle bone.

The Unalome represents the path to enlightenment. The path starts in the center of the spiral. As you continue on your journey, material obsessions and obstacles try to stray you from your path. These obstacles are represented by the ever changing but yet decreasing in size swirls as you try to reach the top. As you become more aware and conscious of your surroundings, the path straightens out and allows you to stay straight until you reach enlightenment. 

I also really want to get four Glyph Triangles (see below) tattooed on my left upper arm.

I am not sure why the the Create, Explore, Express and Learn Triangles really speak to me. It is very hard to explain but I was just drawn to them.

I don't think that the pain will be too bad, obviously getting a tattoo does it hurt, I am just nervous that it will really hurt.

Those of you who have tattoos, where do you have them and why? Also, did it hurt when you got it done?

Everyone is different and has a unique pain tolerance, but I am just looking for some piece of mind.
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Monday, November 16, 2015

What Are You Thankful For?

Seeing as how Thanksgiving is exactly 10 days away, I feel that it is only appropriate that I make a list of all of the things that I am thankful for.

Some things that I am most thankful for are:

1. Receiving a good education
2. My family and friends
3. Being artistically creative
4. Being able to see my 23rd birthday
5. Having a great job
6. Being extremely blessed

What are you most thankful for?

IMPORTANT: Daily posts are back! Stay tuned for a post Monday through Friday!
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