Friday, March 11, 2016

50 Ways to Take a Break

Happy Friday Everyone!
We have all finally made it through our stressful and chaotic weeks and we have reached our goal!
If you are like me, you are faced with multiple obstacles throughout your week that can be extremely stressful.
Sometimes during these obstacles you just do not want to deal with them and feel like you need to take a breather.
Whether it is doing homework, working or even regular day drama, everyone needs at break from time to time. Pardon me as I say "Amen to that"!
Here are some wonderful ways that you can take a break and to relieve stress:
1. Take a bath
2. Light a Candle/Incense
3. Learn something new
4. Listen to a guided relaxation
5. Read a book
6. Take deep breaths
7. Write in a journal
8. Go for a walk outside
9. Meditate
10. Notice your body
11. Go for a run
12. Eat a meal in silence
13. Turn off all electronics
14. Color
15. Stretch
16. Listen to music
17. Climb a tree
18. Take a nap
19. Sigh
20. Read poetry
21. Dance
22. Forgive someone
23. Write poetry
24. Give Thanks
25. Call a friend or relative
26. Fly a kite
27. Watch the clouds
28. Let go of all stresses
29. Ride a bike
30. Find a relaxing scent
31. View art/pictures
32. Read or watch something funny
33. Engage in small acts of kindness
34. Write a letter
35. Go to your favorite place
36. Meander around town
37. Travel to a new location
38. Learn to say NO
39. Go to the park
40. Move a much slower pace (give yourself more time)
- In my opinion, this is THE most important one.
41. Hang out with your friends and family
42. Sit in a quiet space and think
43. Learn yoga
44. Craft something beautiful
45. Drink soothing tea
46. Cook your favorite meal
47. Play with a furry friend
48. Write a song
49. Play relaxing sounds
50. Go for a drive
Feel free to comment below with how you take a break!
Have a happy and safe weekend!
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Wednesday, March 9, 2016


Happy Hump Day Everyone!
I don't know about you but my week has been crazy so far.
With me getting back into the swing of classes, homework and working a full time job, I have barely had any time on my hands.
One thing that I have learned about myself is taking some alone time and thinking about all of the different things that I would like to try really relaxes me.
I took on the task of recreating my bucket list that I made a little over a year ago. I guess you can say that I have grown into my adulthood and I definitely have some different goals for myself and some new things that I would like to try.
Some of my new bucket list items are:
- To visit every major Aquarium in the United States
- Set foot on all 7 Continents
- Meet Stephen Hawking
- Have my own successful practice in Psychology
- Obtain my PhD
- Learn Yoga/Meditation
- Visit all of the 50 States
- Walk entirely around Central Park in New York City
Obviously these are very big goals and even some of the items on my list may be unreachable but hey, that's the fun in having a bucket list. The items on your list do not mean that you can never obtain them, it just gives you that push to get out and live as much as you possibly can.
What are some things on your bucket list?
What are some things that have influenced items on your bucket list?
Let me know what you guys think below!
It's almost Friday everyone, Stay strong!
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Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Wishing for Spring!

I cannot wait for it to finally be Spring.
We have gotten a taste of sunny beautiful warm weather and I just cannot get enough of it.
Today's weather is supposed to get all of the way up to 67*. Fingers crossed : )
I am just happy that I can finally wear flats and capris again!
Yesterday's weather was my favorite type of weather EVER.
It was very sunny and warm but yet had a breeze that was just the right amount.
In my opinion, 75* and above is too warm but anything below 60* is far too cold. : )
What is your type of perfect weather?
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Friday, March 4, 2016


It is Friday Everyone!

I don't know about you but to me this week has been dragging on...

I am so happy that Friday is finally here!

This week has been full of gloomy, dark and dreary weather which is not fun when all you want is Spring and sunshine.

If you are in the same boat as me, here are some pictures to help you get excited and motivated for the weekend!

Have a happy and safe weekend everyone!
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Thursday, March 3, 2016

Playlist Thursday!

Happy Thursday Everyone!
Our weather here in Ohio was been pretty dreary to say the lest. Constant rain and snow can put a damper on anyone's day.
So to keep my self pumped for the weekend and to stay sane at work I listen to music.
For all of you that do not know, I absolutely am obsessed with music. I literally have a song and playlist for every type of mood and feeling.
Some of my current favorite jams are:
What are some of your favorite songs?
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Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Happy Dr. Seuss Day!

Happy Dr. Seuss Day as well as Dr. Seuss's Birthday Lovelies!

I absolutely adore Dr. Seuss. I'm used to read his books all the time as a child. The witty rhyming and colorful characters alway made it easy and so much fun to keep reading. As a child one of my favorite Dr. Seuss books was "Ten Apples Up On Top". I don't know what it was about that book but I could literally read it over and over and never get bored haha. 

During the Holidays, our family tradition is to always watch The animated special How the Grinch Stole Christmas. That has been our family tradition for as long as I can remember. I have seen the movie so many times that I can repeat it by heart. I absolutely love the Grinch. 

So in the spirit of today, I will watch the How the Grinch Stole Christmas and wear my Grinchy Pajamas!
How would you be spending this wonderful day?

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Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Hello March!

Happy Monday Lovelies!

I know that I have been gone fore quite some time. My life has become increasingly hectic and I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Between working 2 jobs, having 3 grad classes and all of the projects and papers that go along with that were just too much to handle.

But today is the start of a brand new moth. Not just any month, it's MARCH. March happens to be one of my all time favorite months, next to December of course.

So since it is a brand new month, I felt that it was only appropriate to have a brand new start to my blog. Starting today, The Prep Way will be back in action.

Nothing is better then turning to the 1st day of a month on your calendar. It's like starting over with a brand new clean slate. It is just so refreshing to see number one on my calendar rather than eighteen or even twenty.

What are some of the things that you are looking forward to in this beautiful month of March?
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