Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Summer Reading List!!

I have always loved to read. Since I have graduated from college I have had a bit more time to myself and I am getting back into my love for books. 

Here are a couple of the books that I am currently reading and hope to finish this summer:

1. Traveling to Infinity: My Life with Stephen by Jane Wilde Hawking 
I have seen the movie "The Theory of Everything" a million times and it still remains one of my favorite movies. The film is just a glimpse of the brilliant astrophysicist Stephen Hawking's first marriage to Jane and the diagnosis of motor neuron disease. The book goes in depth with their 30 years of marriage and how Jane overcame her struggles with Stephen's disease.

2. The Psychology Book by Nigel Benson
I have always loved learning Psychology and therefore I majored in it. This book explains the history of how Psychology came to be and every famous psychologist and concept. If Psychology interests you then this is definitely the book for you.
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Monday, June 29, 2015

Ohana Means Family

I love my family more than anything. A family is the greatest support network that one could have. They are always there to support and encourage me. No one makes me laugh more than my family !

I would be lost without my family!

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Sunday, June 28, 2015

200 Page Views!!

I have not even had my blog for a full week and I already have over 200 views! I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has viewed and read my blog. It means so much to me that you all took the time out of your day to look at and read my creative expressions. I hope I can continue to strike your interest and fascination!
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Saturday, June 27, 2015

It's National Sunglasses Day!!!

Isn't National Sunglasses Day just so exciting!! Everyone is wearing so many different colors and brands of shades. Whether it is sunny or rainy, like it is here in Ohio, it is still worth it to pretend. 

I hope you all stay stylish today with your shades and enjoy this awesome day!

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Friday, June 26, 2015

Forever Pineapples

I have no idea why pineapples have become the staple of summer but I absolutely love it. Pineapples are just so cute and bright. Everything this summer has a pineapple on it in some way. Whether it is a cute tote or necklace, it can make any outfit standout!

AHH! The options are endless...

Forever Pineapples

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Thursday, June 25, 2015

Summer Jams Playlist

Music is my life. I am always found jamming out to so many songs from a variety of genres. This summer my goal is to create the perfect laid back and relax playlist. Whether it is a nice reggae beat or a upbeat tempo, I can get down with it. Haha okay I am done being cheesy.

Here are some of my current summer song obsessions:

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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

A Little About Myself...

Hello All! This is the first post of my brand new blog. I am so excited to finally express my creativity to the world. As a way to get to know me, I felt like i would list 20 things about myself. I apologize if this is somewhat dry and/or boring. Here I go...

1. I am a Bowling Green State Alumni
2. I have three siblings
3. I love to paint
4. My nails are always painted
5. I monogram everything
6. I cannot function without my planner
7. I am always smiling
8. Comedies are my favorite genre of movies
9. Christmas is my all time favorite holiday
10. I love winter (mainly because I was born during a massive blizzard)
11. Reading is one of my favorite hobbies
12. I love to bake cookies and cupcakes
13. My family and friends mean everything to me
14. My favorite sports are Baseball, Hockey and Lacrosse 
15. I have my bachelor's degree in Psychology
16. I have a massive nail polish collection
17. I have a guilty pleasure for pretzel M&Ms
18. I love to sing
19. My father is a pastor
20. I have 3 lovely dogs that are my children

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