Friday, October 2, 2015

Have a Passion For Reading?

I absolutely love reading.

It gives me such a feeling of wonder and adventure that helps boost my creativity.

As a little girl, I always had my nose between the pages of a book. Still to this day, I would not be caught dead without a book.

Reading takes your mind to places you could never dream of.

I knew that I loved reading so much that when my mother took me to the Book Loft, I was in heaven.

I mean really, look at how cute and quaint this shop is. 

This wonderful establishment has over 30 different themed rooms full of books! You would never be able to tell how big tis place is from the outside.

Sports, Gardening, Coking, you name it, they have it! This place is so big that you need a map to go through it (not even kidding).

I ended up walking out of there with 5 books! I definitely cannot wait to go back and browse some more.

If you are ever in the Columbus, OH area, you should definitely stop by the Book Loft.

Have a Happy and Safe Weekend Everyone!
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