Monday, January 2, 2017

It's A New Year!

Happy New Year's Everyone!
I know that I have been gone for a very long time but my life is finally stable and I am back.
To kick off the new year I wanted to share with you all my wonderful (and attainable) resolutions for the year of 2017!
1. Exercise at least 3x a week
2. Complete my 2017 Bucket list
(Stay tuned for that post)
3. Learn to say NO
4. Stay current on my blog
5. Make healthier choices
6. Get Straight A's
7. Practice more Self Care
8. Stay Organized
9. Limit my spending
10. Spend more time with my family
What are some of your resolutions for this year?
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Sunday, November 6, 2016

I'm Back!!

Hello Everyone!!

I am finally back! 

My life has been super crazy with working and going to school full time. 

Stay tuned till tomorrow for a brand new exciting post!

Happy Sunday!
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Monday, June 27, 2016

Celebrate, Good Times, Come On'!

Even though I am a bit late, last Friday, June 24th, 2016 marked this first yea of The Prep Way blog.
Even though this blog is still a creation in the making, I am still extremely proud of how far we have come.
Within the next few months I am going to starting working on transforming The Prep Way so stay tuned!!
Here's to another year!
Happy Monday everyone!
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Thursday, June 23, 2016

Hydrate Yourself!

You gotta stay hydrated!
Did you know that our bodies are 60% water?
Did you also know about all of the benefits of drinking water?:
- It helps regulate our body temperatures
- It helps keep our skin from getting excessively
- It helps to alleviate reoccurring headaches
- Also, it helps replenish the water in our bodies when we sweat...
It is very important that we all stay hydrated especially during the extremely hot Summer months.
How do you stay hydrated?
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Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Breathe and Relax!

I read a daily mantra/meditation book when I get up in the morning.
Majority of the time the meditations/mantras really speak to me.
Today's mantra was too real for words.
"Slow down and relax" 
This quote was so real to me because normally, my mind is going a mile a minute.
This trait of mine goes hand in hand with my Anxiety.
I worry about everything and it causes me to stress myself out.
Taking the time to slow down and breathe can really help one to think clearly and relieve stress.
Through the practice of self care, I have started to take five minute breaks where I would just close my eyes and focus on my breathing.
This technique has helped me to calm down during stressful times and when I feel like I cannot get my thoughts in order.
I know this is a bit of a long and jumbled post but I just felt like I needed to share that little tidbit and who knows, someone else might have needed to hear that as well.
What quotes or phrases speak to you?
Have a great Tuesday Lovelies!
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Monday, June 20, 2016

Hang In There!

Happy Monday Everyone!

Today is a wonderful yet tiring day.

The Cleveland Cavaliers, my hometown NBA Team, won the 2016 NBA Championship!!!

It has been a busy weekend for everyone I'm sure.

Sadly, it is Monday and everyone has to get back to the grind.

I'm sure we all could you a little pick me up to start our weeks off right!

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Sunday, June 19, 2016

Dad, It's Your Day!

Happy Father's Day to all of the dads out there!!!

Even though dads get one day a year, they should be celebrated every day!

I am define rely a daddy's girl and I forever will be.

I will always be his grasshopper.

How are you all spending Father's Day?
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